The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 78

Oh, for fuck's sake... we're talking about the world economy, you know? You mention the dollar and you get, "You got Trump elected president in the US", or "You killed Skripal"... Stop it already.

but that's not what I said.


but that's not what I said.

Yeah, what's that?



And all this impotent hatred of the dollar is the result of the usual envy of the more successful

i don't know who's hating the dollar))

I have already suggested talking about the demise of the pound or the yen))), but you do not want to, you only want to talk about the strong dollar, okay, it is strong, it is so fucking strong, sleep well.


Yeah, what's that?

I don't know who's hating the dollar))

I have already suggested to talk about the demise of the pound or the yen))), but you do not want to, you only want to talk about the strong dollar, okay, it is strong as hell, sleep well.

I remember back in the 90's the Economist used to publish "shocking" articles about how it was going to be the end... now I can't promptly find a link to that epochally bleak article, but the article was really creepy, especially considering it was the Economist... Articles like that appear regularly with a certain frequency... but nothing ever happened... you can also google the history of publications about dedollarization, getting rid of dollar hegemony (it's been decades since they got rid of it) etc. topics, there was a lot going on, often these authors articles lack objectivity, validity, and they just push their wishful thinking... Or I can suggest that perhaps such articles appear because there is a demand for them and someone likes to take comfort in the thought, "nothing, nothing, just wait and the damned thaler will fall")))

And even the Economist can't be trusted, for example in January 1988 they wrote that there will be a single world currency by January 2018, but it hasn't happened yet. Link

The pound and yen seem to be doing fine so far...


Yeah, what's that?

I don't know who's hating the dollar here))

I have already suggested to talk about the demise of the pound or the yen)))), but you do not want to, you only want to talk about the strong dollar, ok, it is strong as hell, sleep well.

Мировые резервные валюты:резервные%20валюты&clid=2270455&banerid=6301000000%3A59bd2e3a570847001b77cf62&win=298&lr=193


Doesn't it bother you that the demise of the dollar as a reserve currency is constantly being discussed and the demise of the other more defunct reserve currency (yen) has never been discussed on Runet in the last 18 years? I do not know what currency Amovich has savings and capital in, but he certainly did not run to Israel with rubles.

How do you even imagine the demise of the dollar/USA if it/they are present everywhere in the world economy? In general, what judgement thread should lead to thinking about the demise of one of the reserve currencies??? On average, the population of the CIS and the CIS descendants adequately perceive where national currencies are and where the US dollar is. The average U.S. population is up to .... on other currencies, and they ooze (gasp) at the number of zeros on a quality copier with all sorts of protections.


... Articles like this come up regularly with a certain frequency... but nothing has ever happened... one can also go through the history of publications about de-dollarisation, getting rid of dollar hegemony (it's been decades since they got rid of it), etc...

What do you think about this article ...? :

It's a trend. There's no stopping it.
I think the article looks very plausible...
Maksim Dlugoborskiy:

What do you think about this article...? :

It's a trend. There's no stopping it.
I think the article looks very plausible...

I think you read everything on the internet and believe it ))))

if you want to find the truth, look for reports on the volume of currencies traded on the exchange (CME Daily Bulletin, COT reports ... any statistics from the exchange ... if you see that this statistic really changed the data at least 10%-20% ... that's it... the sunset of the dollar!!!

the collapse of the dollar is inevitable! but i think that if there is no global war, then we will enjoy the $$$ for another 100 years


Igor Makanu:

I think you read everything on the internet and believe it ))))

if you want to find the truth, look for reports on the volume of currencies traded on the exchange (CME Daily Bulletin, COT reports ... any statistics from the exchange ... if you see that this statistic really changed the data at least 10%-20% ... that's it... the sunset of the dollar!!!

the collapse of the dollar is inevitable! but i think that if there is no global war, then we will enjoy the $$$ for another 100 years


It's a matter of opinion. If you look closely, it is not the dollar that is moving away from some, it is the dollar that is moving away from them.
Take for example the sale of C400 to some countries. Initially there was an agreement to pay in greenbacks, but since there is a threat that the payment will not be fulfilled, they make them in national currencies. So if this trend continues, many people will be forced to switch to other currencies.

Konstantin Nikitin:

It is hard to say. If you look closely, it is not the dollar that is moving away from some, but the dollar is moving away from them.
Take for example the sale of C400 to some countries. Initially they made payments in green dollars, but since there is a threat that these payments will not be fulfilled, they make them in national currencies. So if this trend continues, many people will be forced to switch to other currencies.

You are probably 100% right here, but America is ruled by industry, if they have problems, things might change, even China has now started to fall under American sanctions... Alas, today's economy is politics.

Отвязались от доллара. Какие страны отказываются от американской валюты?
Отвязались от доллара. Какие страны отказываются от американской валюты?
  • 2018.10.03
  • Надежда Вредина
Российское правительство работает над проектом по дедолларизации национальной экономики, который через «одну-две недели» должен утвердить премьер-министр Дмитрий Медведев. Как пишет издание The Bell, «запрета расчетов в долларах не будет». Смысл проекта заключается в переходе на взаиморасчеты в национальных валютах: с Китаем торговать в юанях...
Andrey Dik:

Good article, but the bottom line is that there is no alternative to the $, and the examples of 'inter-merger' Bolivia, Venezuela, Honduras, Cuba, Nicaragua, Ecuador - are of little significance as GDP and world trade are not significant

The bottom line is interesting - everyone understands that although china is a major player in world trade, the mentality of the chinese people gives pause for thought )))) - i once read that even the population of china is an unconfirmed figure because official chinese figures are highly questionable.... That's the same with the Chinese yuan as a currency for global trade - the Chinese will be fooled without even blinking an eye! ))))