How an "honest" stock exchange drove a Kazan trader into debt - page 7


I found this table at a loan broker - for standard and high-risk clients, but can't figure out how to do the calculation

Name Ticker Alpha-Direct Security type Risk rate
On long positions On short positions
Initial Minimum Initial Minimum
USD USD Local currency 0,09 0,0461 0,09 0,044
USD USD National currency 0,1719 0,09 0,1881 0,09
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Where is the normal journalistic investigation, where is the interview with the trader, where is the interview with the broker? No journalist was found to work on a hot issue?

The article was first published on the rbc and is all there.

There are interviews with both the trader and the Alpha broker, as well as comments from independent brokers.

Alexey Volchanskiy:
Then it's an anti-advertisement.
Not so, when McDonald's raised its prices it was all over the place. Anti-advertising is also advertising to remind people of their existence.
No way, when McDonald's raised their prices, they were all over the place about it. Anti-advertising is also advertising to remind people of their existence.
I don't go to the Mac, but now they advertise that their Big Macs are only 99 rubles, if I'm not mistaken about the price.