How to sell your products, signals and services - page 7


There is a website with audio podcasts, including recordings by leading radio stations. Here's a new series from Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda, which should be of high quality.

I like walking and jogging as it is useful for sedentary work. And so as not to get bored I listen to podcasts instead of boom-boom-boom. I just found this series, so I'm going to listen toHow to Attract and Retain Customers Using Social Networks.

I'll let you know how it goes.

Восстание машин/ Радио "Комсомольская правда" / Программа на
Восстание машин/ Радио "Комсомольская правда" / Программа на
Удивительная программа для людей, пытающихся что-то сделать, продать или продвинуть в интернете. В общем, о том, как в конце концов в этом самом интернете зарабатывать деньги. Программа о том, как этот самый интернет готовить.

A funny video on how to write a marketing text


Hilarious topic... Those who haven't sold anything are teaching each other and everyone else how to sell )

Is it inextinguishable and our man will look for a ball even in such a matter?

Do you really think that someone who knows how to sell has any interest in sharing with you? It's his money, why would he give it to you? For pretty eyes and a wide soul?

I am amazed.

I can share my experience. It so happened that since 2004 I was only in English forex as an admin on one of the English sites. I used to work as admin on one of the english sites. Almost no one knew who I was or where I was from (or if I understood russian at all). One of the major English forums (where I was an admin) rose from zero before my eyes. And there is some experience that may come in handy here. I will try to explain by examples.

Example 1. Negative. A common mistake on English forums.
Yusser asks to make an indicator or alert to an indicator or something else. The coder makes it in his thread and posts the modified indicator. As the username has not explained anything (why he needs it, how he uses it or will use it, etc), it is all only needed by him. There are sometimes only two posts in a branch: a post with the usher's request, and the coder's response with the indicator. There may be a third post from the username with his "thank you", but this is rare. And there can be thousands of people on the forum (who don't need the original and modification of the indicator or they don't know why they need it - they post it for public ...) .
So the coder just wasted his time.

Example 2. Positive. It is a common (many people do it).
One user (trader) asks for help with coding. The coder(s) ask him for an idea. Youser explains everything, with examples, charts, manual trading examples for several posts. Other Youser (sort of trader too) asks him questions, they chat there, as a result on some page the coder codes something simple - to continue the discussion on the thread ... and so on.

The result is as follows:

- a large branch where one or a group of traders generate ideas, test them, demo trade, etc.
- and they have "their" coder for their branch who will code what they want (in fact, the coder will code whatever they want and decide).
- Other coders don't get in the way.

- if the branch is already large, there is room for other coders.
- The coder can improve the popular branch versions of indicators/advisors to a commercial product, and in this case, traders have a choice: continue using free versions of the branch, or buy an improved one.

On some forums, branches like this are over 1k pages without flubbing, and everyone tries to keep such branches alive. If all threads are removed from the forum and only these (key) threads remain, the forum will function properly and gain authority and unauthorized users.

Many unknown coders have become well known and promoted in this way (and leading English forums are promoted in the same way too). I remember a case, when coder was promoted even with one indicator ("well and good timed" post in appropriate thread, so that it was needed by thousands of users instead of one person).

Example 3. Negative. It occurs rarely on reputable resources.
It is the same as in Example 2 but the coder has no time to join a thread and it immediately creates a flood. Or even worse, the coder's competitors or competitors of the resource/platform are flooding an already well-publicized thread.
In this case, the branch is killed, the traders / viewers / potential customers leave the branch. That's it. Coders wait for another opportunity.

Example 4. Positive, but difficult.
This is when the coder opens a branch and posts some of his indicators, for example, with explanations. In this case - it is the reverse process of Example 2, that is: there is a coder, and he posts, attracting traders (potential clients). For many years I know only a few cases when the coder has succeeded in this, in the sense of promoting him from scratch and obtaining regular clients - but with a lot of effort. That is: while example 2 in its different variations is common practice, example 4 is an exception. Often this method of example 4 is used by established coders, who are followed everywhere by their fans. Therefore, it is a good fortune for a forum to have a famous coder on it.
It should be said that admins/moderators deal with usernames, i.e. to open a branch on some English resource can also clone a programmer for example (like a trader) .... The main thing is how this thread will go afterwards: if it is trashed, then the moderator/admin will receive angry messages from coders like "why did you allow the trash". Why angry? Because such branches if without flooding (example 2) is a way for coder to gain fame and clientele, and if with flooding - they are useless branches.
Example 5. Almost positive (beginners).
Beginners in programming also try to use the way of example 2, and it's very common too.
For example, one young student decided to earn some money and started coding alerts/alarms for indicators for free. At first, he did it haphazardly by example 1. Then he moved to example 2 and got fame, orders and left "free" forex. And his "traders" in the thread started waiting for someone else to code for them.
Example 6.

Sometimes users come to English forums and open branches in the commercial section (if this section is available on that forum). This can also be the case.

  • no one knows this yooser,
  • I do not know him, and he has no posts on any forums,
  • he may be selling something worthwhile, but whether it's his or someone else's is unknown,
  • I don't know if it is his own or someone else's. No one knows such a yuser on any forums, and he has not posted any other indicators or Expert Advisors anywhere for free or in marketplaces for sale.
Other coders in English forums usually ask moderators to delete such threads and ban such merchants.

So - do it so that you are known.
Example 7. Negative (hardly ever seen on serious resources).
This is when coders argue with each other in a branch.
In this case, the branch is broken, traders leave... Other coders also suffer.
Coders usually have their own solidarity, and I can only remember two times since 2004 when coders argued in branches, scaring off their potential customers.
If we are talking about social media, it is not a quick way of gaining a clientele. But if you are doing your business thoroughly (and are not going to give it up after a year, for example), a page on FB or Twitter is better.
But if you only post ads for your products there, people will get bored. You have to do something to dilute it. And more than once a day is better not to post - it will be considered spam. Optimal - one or more times a week.

Social media - to create your own personal community and your own fans.
One more point. About posts on forums.

It used to be (many years ago) that you could make a reputation for yourself and gain fame in a good way - on negativity (criticism, denouncing scams, etc.). That time has passed a few years ago. It is now a popular positive, that is not a branch about "what a bad system there is", but a branch about what a good system there is (another system for example), etc. :)
The time of "stupid" advertising (when creating commercial sites on Western templates ala-HYIP for example) - also gone.
Now everything has become more complicated.

Many users have not rebuilt, and had to withdraw from the market altogether. And among them were really talented and well-known personalities ... a lot of them were just really pathetic... I feel sorry for them with their branches, where they posted negative messages about others, but with their free advisors (a light version of their commercial advisors) ...

I remember the title of one thread - "I'm a toilet washer in Monte Carlo" with a photo of a Lamborghini in the first post. Couldn't switch from negative to positive ... Their talent would be "in the service of the motherland" :)


That's all for now.