FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 644


And he won't let anyone in.

I wouldn't mind)

It's only Business and nothing personal)))

What is there to understand?

The option holders looked at the price going up, bought call options.

The beard saw that the options people had piled on the call contracts, we should buy.

The puppet came in and sent everyone to their cubicles.

He missed again, he also looked at the spot and futures) Do not worry about it)) Ilya has already shown them where his "moon is")))

Can't go above 80, above 77 yes, and I doubt it, he's running out.

If it is not above 80 today, then I am wrong - so I will go back to options analysis
He's already showed Ilya where his moon is)))) He's already been shown the spot and the futures.
Futures were bought yesterday, there is a reason for it all :))
If today is not above 80, then I am wrong - then I will go back to options analysis
Today even?) Get ready and go already))) Paco, the options themselves do not give the whole picture, they only give the mood and levels, that's all.
If it's not above 80 today, then I'm wrong - so I'll go back to options analysis
80 - where is it? Which pair are you rubbing?
80 - where is it. Which pair are you rubbing?
Audi. Didn't Paco smoke HIS weed?))
80 - where is it. Which pair are you rubbing?

Selling interest ..up only after 0.7797 .

Targets below 0.7446 and 0.7306.

Audi. I wonder if Paco has smoked his weed?)))
Targets below 0.7446 and 0.7306

I'm not going down there at all yet. I'm not going down there at all for now.

But otherwise - yes, you can probably sell a little bit.

One minute to PIUUUUUUU!!!!