FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 430

Yuriy Zaytsev:

I'm not even guessing!

there is little doubt you have a sel!

Usually, what is the prediction, so is the position!


Didn't even read the text, just looked at the screenshot!

Only then I saw the phrase "sold.



hello to all the spellcasters, wizards, seers!

That's for you to see the Master.

Dear editors,

Beloved moderators))))

Please take care of me until Saturday.

I've already cursed and swore tonight and....this....

You just delete the message and that's it((((

What does it take to get a self-ban to work?

Thank you!

Tuma, there's no such thing as a week up and a week down on SOTO) It's up for a long time or down for a long time.

The SOTs have only recently been included in the analysis.

And even then, they count for me. I gave the link 1-3 pages earlier.

Strange, darling.

Compare the Euro figures with your SOTO? Do they add up? No?

Thank you !
Начало конца эпохи Глобализма
Начало конца эпохи Глобализма
  • 2016.06.28
Вот уже пятый день мир переживает последствия Brexit. 29 июня пройдет встреча, на котором лидеры ЕС будут решать, что делать, причем впервые без главы Великобритании. Судя по всему, они еще не понимают, что именно они будут делать, и как вообще следует реагировать в подобных случаях. Первая реакция Франции и Германии, призвавших Британию как...
That's a lot of words.
That's a lot of text.

The communication style on the forums is a very interesting phenomenon at times.

And to read the text, you have to know all the letters.

Short messages, small answers in a couple of phrases, this style of communication has become the norm.


There is a joke on the subject:

There are 15 prisoners in one cell with sentences of 25 years each.

They have told all the jokes many times and know every joke by heart.

Jokes are numbered, and there are no new jokes, the cell is not updated, new convicts are not brought to the cell, and the sentences are long.

And when the time comes to tell jokes, the convicts shout out the numbers of the jokes.

Prisoner1 says : N 72

All the inmates in the cell reply ::-))))


Prisoner 2 says: N 73

All the cons in the cell in reply : : -))))


Prisoner 3 says : N 74

All the inmates in the cell respond : : -))))


Yuriy Zaytsev:

The communication style on the forums is a very interesting phenomenon at times.

And to read the text, you need to know all the letters.

Short messages, small answers in the form of a couple of phrases, this style of communication has become the norm.


There's a joke on the subject:

There are 15 prisoners in one cell with sentences of 25 years each.

They have told all the jokes many times and know every joke by heart.

Jokes are numbered, and there are no new jokes, the cell is not updated, new convicts are not brought to the cell, and the sentences are long.

And when the time comes to tell jokes, the convicts shout out the numbers of the jokes.

Prisoner1 says : N 72

All the inmates in the cell reply ::-))))


Prisoner 2 says: N 73

All the cons in the cell in reply : : -))))


Prisoner 3 says : N 74

All the inmates in the cell respond : : -))))


I started reading the spoiler text, but I'm not impressed.

For example they write that Cameroon David messed up by announcing a referendum that he planned would not work out in favour of Brexit and he's all upset ayyyyyyyyy.

The question is how the author is so clever and knows exactly what David wanted, maybe it all worked out according to his scheme...

A lot of blah blah blah blah ....


I started reading the spoilered text but I'm not impressed...

For example, they say that Cameroon David screwed up by announcing a referendum, which according to his plans was not going to work out in favour of Brexit and he's all upset and ayeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

The question is how the author is so clever and knows exactly what David wanted, maybe it all worked out according to his scheme...

a lot of blah blah blah blah ....

That is his personal opinion, you do not take it at face value.

and the little man listens and eats...

Well, at least he resigned. That's quite a gesture.

GBPJPY draw...
I can only do it in a couple of days, I don't have a terminal handy at the moment. We are taking a break from work.

I started reading the spoilered text but I'm not impressed...

For example, they say that Cameroon David screwed up by announcing a referendum, which according to his plans was not going to work out in favour of Brexit and he's all upset and ayeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

The question is how the author is so clever and knows exactly what David wanted, maybe it all worked out according to his scheme...

Lots of blah blah blah blah ....

It was all designed with an exit in mind from the beginning. Dibs off and retired. And such a disappointed face, he must have spent a year learning how to do it.
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