FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 1229

Why do I think the chart has started to twitch, turns out Draghi is spiking))
Oleg Tsarkov:
Why do I think the chart is starting to twitch, turns out Draghi is spiking))

Sometimes I think parity is just another stopgap.

17 or 813 euros to the dollar in a couple of brexits will be the norm.)))

There is no limit to creativity...

Brexit is just one as Britain is in a single instance at the moment

After the vote for Britain to leave the EU (BrExit) the forecast in June was that:

Euro exchange rate = Pound exchange rate

More precisely, the pound would fall to the euro

As an option - parity for both pairs. And in general - one can only guess at what level they will meet.

Renat Akhtyamov:

Brexit is just one, as Britain is currently in a single instance

The forecast before Britain's exit from the EU (BrExit) in June was that:

Euro exchange rate = Pound exchange rate

More precisely the pound will fall to the level of the euro

Certainly one, but there are similar italexid and (no funny way Greekexid).

The prediction before Britain's exit was also about the complete collapse of the next union.))))

What will happen to the euro then?


Of course one, but there are the likes of italexid and (no laughing matter how ridiculous) Grexid.

The prediction before Britain's exit was also about the complete collapse of another union.))))

What will happen to the euro then?

No one knows yet.

Верховный суд: парламент может заблокировать «брексит»
Верховный суд: парламент может заблокировать «брексит»
  • 2016.11.18
Парламент Великобритании имеет право заблокировать «брексит». Премьер-министр Великобритании Тереза Мэй должна была признать решение Верховного суда, согласно которому депутаты Палаты общин и пэры Палаты лордов должны получить право проголосовать за или против «брексит» уже после того как переговоры с ЕС относительно будут закончены. Это...

Of course one, but there are the likes of italexid and (no laughing matter how ridiculous) Grexid.

The prediction before Britain's exit was also about the complete collapse of another union.))))

What will happen to the euro then?

Big deal, the people have expressed their will. They can just do nothing and Brexit will be the same as before. They can chew on this nonsense in parliament for decades without any problem.

I think Europe will eek out for other reasons, and much sooner.

Величайшее переселение народов - УМ +
Величайшее переселение народов - УМ +
Вы заметили, что нас сейчас мало информируют о количестве мигрантов, прибывающих в Европу. В прошедшем 2015 году просто били во все барабаны и трубили в трубы. В этом году, разве что изредка сообщают об эпизодах гибели утлых судёнышек с мигрантами в Средиземном море. Информация вообще-то есть, но её перестали изымать для нас из глубины...

This is the Bank of England's game.

The decision was made long ago.

The rules of the court, the Lords and Theresa are dictated by the bank.

I think they have this issue on a national security level,

and any media blip is many times cheaper than a currency intervention.

They slowed down the fall a lot with the news.

Without the news, the price would have been 1.15....

Oleg Tsarkov:

What's the big deal, the people have expressed their will. You can just do nothing, and Brexit is as it were, and everything is as it was before. They can chew this crap in parliament for decades without any problem.

I think Europe will eek out for other reasons, and much sooner.

Merkel didn't retire in time.)))


Merkel was not retired in time.))

I have a vague suspicion that she really is an idealist and feels sorry for all those African children. And the American democrats have shamelessly taken advantage of that.
Oleg Tsarkov:
I have a vague suspicion that she really is an idealist and feels sorry for all those African children. And the American democrats have shamelessly taken advantage of that.

Education was not good enough.

Old memories of how after the collapse of the Soviet Union they were flooded with educated and not the poorest people.

ready to learn the language, to be second-rate, to kick their pots and lick their asses, which is what the vast majority of them are doing successfully to this day.

Convinced everyone to repeat the scenario, but a mistake has been made. The mentality is not the same. )))