FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 1214


It looks like Clinton is passing.)



Have a nice holiday everyone...

And on the Euro - SELL from all peaks!!!

1.1480 Sell Limit and TP 1.0670

Sticks to lie...


Have a nice holiday everyone...

And on the Euro - SELL from all peaks!!!

1.1480 Sell Limit and TP 1.0670

Sticks to lie...

Thanks Lumberjack.

Looks like Clinton is passing.)

Passed, gone, and Trump stayed)

Alexandr Saprykin:

Gone, gone, and Trump stayed)

I'm shocked....)

Hillary Clinton called Donald Trump and admitted defeat in presidential election

Read more on RBC:

Клинтон признала поражение на выборах президента США
Клинтон признала поражение на выборах президента США
Хиллари Клинтон позвонила Дональду Трампу и признала поражение на президентских выборах

I'm shocked....)

Hillary Clinton called Donald Trump and admitted defeat in presidential election

Read more on RBC:

So by the electorate the result is simply smashing. And they have a tradition of calling their opponent and congratulating him if he wins.
Do the sticks not lie?

Alexey Volchanskiy:
So on the electorate the result is a smashing one. And they have a tradition of calling their opponent and congratulating him if he wins.

Not only that, but the loser has to be the first to address his audience, only then does the winner go to his audience.

Clinton, when she called, asked Trump not to wait for her speech because she cannot appear in front of her audience, to which he immediately agreed.

Apparently not good at all....

Bought AUDUSD.