FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 121


Pound on the grid has eaten up 2 ranges (today) 4240 will come - we'll cover ))))


Deleted on the pound. I think by the time I made the prediction it had gone too far.

Inadequate today has scrapped all the forecasts.

And with this news assessment opinion, the anticipated direction of movement has coincided, e.g.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

What is the most volatile news

Alexey Volchanskiy, 2016.02.03 18:32

I read English version, I wondered how the news looks like in Russian. I even wondered if it was manually translated.


<Good evening ...Was of course I saw it myself ...Interesting that my page was also cleaned up ...)




that's what the old one would say=)

Don't you understand that the expiry is coming up=) so they take it to breakeven =)))))

Roman Busarov:

that's what the old one would say=)

Don't you understand that the expiry is coming up=) so they take it to breakeven =)))))

Come on.)

All this bullshit will be over in no more than 2-3 days


Kadik is puffed up).

The US has delivered oil to Venezuela. This is the first delivery to an OPEC member country since the lifting of the embargo on US oil exports. The oil was received by Venezuelan state oil company Petroleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA)

Read more on RBC:
США начали поставки нефти стране ОПЕК
США начали поставки нефти стране ОПЕК
США поставили нефть Венесуэле. Это первая поставка стране — члену ОПЕК после отмены эмбарго на экспорт американской нефти. Нефть получила венесуэльская государственная нефтяная компания Petroleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA) Венесуэла купила Как рассказали агентству Bloomberg два источника, знакомые со сделкой, в конце января танкер с нефтью WTI...
Roman Busarov:

that's what the old one would say=)

Don't you understand that the expiry is coming up=) so they take it to breakeven =)))))

Excuse me, but what is this a screenshot of correspondence?

you can make more than a million in correspondence))))


Kadik is puffed up).

The US has delivered oil to Venezuela. This is the first delivery to an OPEC member country since the lifting of the embargo on US oil exports. The oil was received by Venezuelan state oil company Petroleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA)

Read more on RBC:

what a bummer.... the american refineries are geared up to buy oil...

only 10% of the capacity runs on their own and the rest is imported...

Roman Busarov:

what a bummer.... american refineries are geared to buy oil...

only 10% of their facilities run on their own and the rest on imports...

Soon they'll be selling to the Emirates.))