FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 1092



That's a beautiful picture.

How do you learn to draw one of those?

Especially without taking responsibility for your words.


I can see, Rena, from the erased post, that you could hardly contain yourself. :)

Vadim Shishkin:


That's a beautiful picture.

How do you learn to draw one of those?

Especially without taking responsibility for your words.

I show my thoughts and don't insist on anything and you draw your own and pussy out on it.

And you, new-rena, by the way, why aren't you asleep?

I show my thoughts and don't insist on anything and you draw your own and fuck off.

I don't need to draw anything.

My state speaks for itself.

You have nothing but pictures. :)

Vadim Shishkin:

I don't need to draw anything.

My state speaks for itself.

You have nothing but pictures. :)

Get the fuck out of here with the ads!

Compare nicknames, motherfucker!

Get the fuck out of here with that ad!

You can tell you're a professional.

Respecting his colleagues.


Get the fuck out of here with the ads!

Compare nicknames, motherfucker!

I did. So what?

Vadim Shishkin:

I don't need to draw anything.

My state speaks for itself.

You have nothing but pictures. :)

You'll be extorted soon enough if you keep this up.


Perhaps the problem is that, apart from nicknames, there's nothing to equal?