FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 1026


I'm in lock. That's why I'm not trading. Waiting for the exit from it.

from 1.1355 buy

and 1.1050 sell.

Good lock.)))

I won't draw any more blues...

no need for that...


How will you get out of it if it's not a secret?

Do you still have the funds to open additional orders?

and my naughty hands need a rest.)

I'm not drawing any more blues...

I don't think there's any reason to...

No, do it.

I've noticed you too.)

and my naughty hands need a rest)
not a rest, but a shovel or spade to keep the locks open)

It takes about 20 times as much margin to get out of a loca as in a loca.

by a factor of 2.

Up for now, and then...
Didn't Zorich tell you?
Zoric probably didn't see or doesn't see my private message.
in half the time.

then there's no fun to be bothered with.

Start buying slowly and little by little.

Plus and minus, etc.

Take your time.

Vaughn, the teacher's been working on it for a year.



You probably know that the CFTC report I published was different from Strange's.

I have a buy, Strange has a sell.

Whose prediction won?

Thank you!

Maksim Diveev:
Up so far, and then...
and then up again)