FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 1115

Server Muradasilov:
Stop scaring people, we can record this shit too :) . They do not withdraw the money :) . The main thing is for us to withdraw the money - the rest is their problem, brokers have enough leaking trades to give the money to those who do not withdraw it and they stand to gain.

All right, I won't, it's no big deal ......)


throw both files in the indicators

should be compiled in the latest build...

It's all worked out. Thank you!
Alexander Antoshkin:

here's the latest interrogation, with a little more scrutiny)))

It's understandable. That's the way it's going to be.

They give them access to bidding and that's their thanks for paying.

And who pays how and to whom - this is a second question, i.e. a market question, so to speak.


Sergey Novokhatskiy:

....................... I've already had all the profits in my account eaten up by swap...................

Of course it has! I must have made a bad point.

I do not open my medium-term and even short-term positions against the swap. Only in scalp I allow myself without looking in both directions.

Alexander Antoshkin:

here's the latest interrogation, with a little more scrutiny)))

that's pretty much it...

and then again, you could say it's custom made ... like i'm talking to an old guy =)))))


somehow... the pound

and euro

Alexander Antoshkin:
What a market-driven one, when your orders are made by some guy who does what he wants,,,,, the programmer's moralities are touched here, fershtein.
Did you have it like this?

I think these times have passed, the competition among brokers is fierce, no one wants to spoil their reputation, so they dirty each other and will dirty each other (competition).

No one's here )))) Everybody's in the mink?
Movlat Baghiyev:
No one is here))) All gone to the mink?


What do you have on EURGBP? I think it has hit the ceiling and it's about time for it to go to the sell

Server Muradasilov:


What do you have on EURGBP? I think it has hit the ceiling and it is about time for it to go to the sell

Not yet ...