FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 963


USDCNH is going downhill normally, no idea where it will stop

It's early in the morning, it's time to sleep.


Where is this coming from?

Will the American weekly options go with the European ones

Or monthly options too?

There are already week options together with the European ones.

The dates will be from the new year.

They put a pdf file last week saying that they are changing weekly and then monthly-quarterly options. They already changed the weekly ones but I don't see any reports for them.

Look, the September one is over, but the January '17 one has not appeared.


The yellow lines show the December quarterly contract range, tick the balance for all contracts, visit the balance for any contract and enter the December range.


Tuma, how much money do you have on deposit?

The Central Bank may ban private investors from trading stocks and bonds on the stock exchange if they have less than RUB 400,000 in their account. Market participants fear that it could have a negative impact on trading volumes

Read more on RBC:

What good will it do the Central Bank of Russia? They should go on closing shitty banks and stick their noses into everything.

Anyway Paco, I have to check the CME website for derivatives data, what is available and what they are planning and how it will be, I will get into it this weekend.

At the very least there will be metals and oil.


Paco, why did the price go down but the dashes didn't run after it, on the contrary?))


pound hasn't done yet


Euro show on your system )

Thank you!

I understand why American type options are being changed to European type I understand, there are a lot of speculators there, up to intraday, due to the fact that American options can be executed at any time during the contract, clearing clears), but whether these European ones will be reported, there is no mention of that, we have to adapt to online, and it is even easier there, volume=buy by client and sell by market.


I'm predicting a Euro like this.

1.1215 is the low, where it can reach. But there is also 1.1190/80.

the top at 1.1361 is tentative. It could get tangled at the red level of 1.1299.

Why American-type options are changing to European-type I understand, there are a lot of speculators there, right up to intraday, due to the fact that the American can be executed at any time during the contract, clearing clears), but whether these European reports are the question, there is nothing about it, we have to adapt to the online, and it will be even easier there, volume=buy by client and sell by market.

They will also close this freebie)))) or do it with a delay of 1 hour ))))

Will you be stuck in front of your PC every day? Will you be ordering automation from someone else?