FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 847

Drllar's prediction.

The dollar will fall short as Obama was isolated on the plane yesterday, not given a gangplank or a bedpan.
Then the Chinese kicked American journalists out of the airport shouting, "This is our country! This is our airport!".

In short, the US is losing exclusivity in an exceptional way.
I am not thinking straight today, I don't understand, either there will be no reports or the currency options themselves.
Options volumes are almost zero now, so there are none. I have been looking at futures lately.
Your advantage is over.

Dream on.

Funny thing is, yours never even started.

that's the end of your advantage.
Whose? futures are even better at getting up to speed. but i don't use them - they can throw an error in the report.
The volume on options is almost zero, so there are none. I have been looking at futures lately.

No options at all???

Or will there be no DB ? Or will the DB be combined with the European option (as Paco said).

What about the story about the big guy hedging with an option? What does he hedge with now?


There will be no options at all ???

Or no DBs ?

What about the story about the big guy hedging with an option?

simpler - if there are sane volumes on options, they will be counted.

They won't go anywhere.


Anyone else want to store their files(data) in the cloud ? )))

It's about Stervozina's advice about the cloud.

See you tonight(out).


There's no way he's giving birth...

will sink in during the day...

I'm confused by the level above:

audi needs to move - in flat for now, so the cross is also lying...

however, god only knows where the cross will go - up/down...

for now I'm sticking to the view that it will go up or down...


no way to break out...

Hey, how do you see the graph of the moon?

I don't mean the eyesight.))