FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 364

Makes sense. But the euro's rise to 1.16 continued without the ECB selling. ??? So there are no sales reports or are there?
Yes, they are, they have been selling for the last six months. How can there be no sales, they don't buy out of thin air, they buy from someone, buyers = sellers. Always.

Or is that what you mean?

And how can you tell from this that sales have reached critical levels? I don't have a clue. Or is it when the central bank sales end that the true movement really begins? Shit, but how can you tell if it's over or not? Maybe they'll keep selling again in a week.
And how can you tell from this that sales have reached critical levels? I can't figure it out.
According to SOT reports, in which all major transactions are recorded.
According to SOT reports, in which all major transactions are recorded.
Looked at the SOT reports for euros. Since the beginning of March the non-commercial column has been dominated by sales. And it just kept going up and up. That's crazy. Which I don't think is real. Forecasting the price on these reports. Of course, I don't know, maybe I'm doing something wrong. But other sites seem to say so.
Tuma, sorry for the immodest question, do you have a stable intraday earning?

I don't know what the hell an intraday is..... I see an entry, I enter.

If you're interested in closed positions, see ...drawing....) picture.

And at 1.1290 and 70 started buying.

And so - waiting for the Euro at 1.1150, not lower ))))

Strange, you're right! No buyers yet )

On the pound the fig is 10 down.

I don't watch the pound, but I think so )

Thank you!


What's there to say about that euro every day.

Strange, once again I remind you that I marked that left candle as a buy. It shouldn't fall below it.

Thank you!

(I'm not imposing an opinion, I could go into self-banning).


why? Who cares about my deals? I do announce some of them, but by and large no one gives a shit about them. And I'm not going to explain the method in detail, it's not in my interest.

Pound at 1.4780 the yellow line attracts me ...)))


I've been telling you about it for six months, the end of this one, preparing properly.

and what do you have to do? close all the poses or what?

Thank you!