FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 316 disc in development

otherwise .... yeah ... i told you so.... and i told you before...

Roman Busarov:

aah =)

but everything goes according to plan =)

♪ you're gonna get a pound for a pound ♪
Roman Busarov:

Stashed away :))) until better times?

second time the drawdown is over 40


Stashed away :))) until better times?

the second time the drawdown was over 40

i raised the risk 10 times by accident (instead of a 10% increase i set the risk 10 times higher) . and realized that perhaps it was a mistake =)

I got out =) though I got my own nerves.

even though it was $15.)

and the drawdown went up =)) ok

although the elephant should have stayed up to 4530 and 4320...

and the drawdown he counts on the balance-equity and in fact the drawdown was not strong 26 pips or so.

there you go =)) i was at 350 +- now i'm at 1000+ =)))

I felt like a god and accidentally shifted it to my account =))) web terminal MT4 forum ( login: 11025504 Password: 0vzjytg)

You're going to get undressed by the pound...
Funtiara is a sneaky sneak... but I think they're all like that, they all need a different approach... I still can't get used to the euro...
Evgeniya Balchin:
Funtiara is a sneaky bastard...but i think they are all like that, each one needs a different approach...i still can't get used to the euro...
forget about it =) the Caddy is the best looking one now.
The pound "helped". And yet 439 was called 439 by someone here. It seemed delusional at the time).
The pound "helped". And yet 439 was called by someone here. Seemed delusional at the time).

Well, it didn't seem so =) this week was a real banker's interest, we worked from the border to the border with the favorite flight of 25+- pips. as they say in 2 days we took what we had been preparing for 5 weeks =)

now it would be good to be back to the low on monday...

Tantrik: but otherwise .... yeah ... i told you so.... and i said before...
You don't even realise how brilliant you are. The uniqueness of your approach,
out-of-the-box thinking, it's fascinating. And your big heart and willingness to forgive the old one,
you've got a lot of respect. Thank you!))
But here's the bad news. Shall I tell you?
Опрос: количество сторонников выхода Великобритании из ЕС выросло
Опрос: количество сторонников выхода Великобритании из ЕС выросло
ЛОНДОН, 31 мая. /Корр. ТАСС Максим Рыжков /. Сторонники выхода Великобритании из ЕС сократили за неделю свое отставание от оппонентов, ратующих за продолжение членства в сообществе, с 13% до 5%. Об этом говорят опубликованные во вторник результаты опроса общественного мнения, проведенного социологической службой ORB по заказу газеты The Daily...