FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 177


on the chif the other day sell rail, now going into contrariety...

The euras will start on the americs, you can't catch up...

How far will not catch up?
How far off are we from catching up?

in 45 minutes it will show

on the chif on the fib 200 p.

Тату - Нас не догонят / Live in Sochi 2014 / t.A.T.u. - Not gonna get us
Тату - Нас не догонят / Live in Sochi 2014 / t.A.T.u. - Not gonna get us
  • 2013.11.06
Sochi 2014 Тату - Нас не догонят t.A.T.u. - Not gonna get us

will he give it up?

Four men are stranded on a desert island after a shipwreck:

20, 30, 40 and 50 years old. They look around. Suddenly they see Amazons on the next island.

The 20-year-old man jumped into the water and swam away.

The man in his 30s yells at him:

- Wait a minute! Let's build a raft first!

The man of 40 says:

- We don't need a raft! They'll come to us on their own.

A 30-year-old man shouts:

- No, we have to build a raft!

A 50-year-old shrugs his shoulders:

- Why a raft? We have binoculars!

perverts ...

March 8 came up, as if by chance :)

Eh, my head is swelling since yesterday, what to buy, how to please .

Server Muradasilov:

March 8 came up, as if by chance :)

Eh, my head is swelling since yesterday, what to buy, how to please

Lucky for those who have a birthday party on that day ;-)
Evgeniy Balchin:
Lucky for those who have a birthday;-)
So we'll congratulate you twice?
Server Muradasilov:
So we'll congratulate you twice?
No, I have a better one))) I start celebrating on the 7th...
Evgeniy Balchin:
No, I'm better))) I start celebrating on the 7th...

The previous avatar was cool (in the hat), Article balamut, stirred the waters and the old ava appeared. Do not take our posts to heart (each of us, there may be something to blurt out )))))).

On the tape )today the pound low is 13859 (3841) and the high is 14007, and if we pass, 14052