FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 176


Hi all!

Unless Lumberjack confirms that the Euro is turning to buy later in the day, I will not go to the girls )))). !

Greetings to Lumberjack



haven't seen you in a while)

Приступы самобичевания - это путь к совершенству или духовный мазохизм?
Приступы самобичевания - это путь к совершенству или духовный мазохизм?
  • 2014.07.21
  • Ав. Инесса
Каждому человеку свойственно оценивать себя и свои поступки, выявлять ошибки в поведении в конкретных ситуациях и искать пути их решения. Однако в некоторых случаях самокритика превращается в навязчивую идею, бич, которым личность нещадно хлещет свое сознание, коря себя за совершенные деяния. Подобное отношение к себе психологи именуют...

The bottom feet haven't been assembled yet... Hello all!

Thanks for the picture!

Eh, if people traded without stops there would be nothing to build the dummy, but it just reversed, and then bang, and it was a wreck .


slam ..., stops on the pound, on the american nudge :

KUCKL is awake:

and you don't show the bottom?)) its not there? i have 13988 (well max 14013) and 13731 for some reason? audit all stopped trading?)
It takes a very long time to fall as if someone is holding it.
Sensei... why doesn't our sect have an anthem?
Christmas tree... pencils... applause...

It's just like ours. Shall we take it?)))


I've got a take for some reason...

It's not decent to show the bottom...

What was that for, let it go up to 1.4. All enough for everyone. )


I've got a take for some reason...

It's not decent to show the bottom...

I won't do it again))
1.3823 low.
1.3823 low.
The bears have spoilt the whole thing for the pound. We may go to 1.37 in March, but above 1.441 is unlikely).