FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 53


Pharaoh is retarded... not to show something like this... show off... drive up properly so to speak)))) hilarious...

Why show?)) She knows I fit the stereotype...)
Why show?))) She knows I fit the stereotype.)
Me and Zhenka can only guess... what's going on
in the mind of a man who took the nickname AzFarahon)))
Hi... Getting ready for SDR...good for them... the rest is bogus... all imho of course...
China's renminbi is now an international payment currency in SWIFT.
China's currency share in global payments reached 2.28 percent, up from 1.28 percent in October last year.

What are your thoughts? How can I make the picture immediately visible?
EURUSDH4.png  58 kb
Evgeniy Balchin:
The thing is, smart and beautiful people are rare))) OK, what can I say...))I still can't count, I'm typing all kinds of rubbish here...))
On the Canadian dollar, hedgers are outnumbered by short positions. But, while to short USDCAD something not really have desire) So, I keep an eye on it.
On the Canadian dollar, hedgers are outnumbered on the short side. But, while to short USDCAD not really have the desire) So, I'm watching it for now.
I do not trade it.
I think the US Fed will lower the rate back down or lower on monetary you know what that will lead to) they raised the rate in Dec. but a lot has changed in the world with China. More likely to apply stimulus measures...from the situation in China, resulting in a deflationary collapse, a bearish stock market fall even below forecasts, so the economy will not withstand a rate hike.... will be lowered...think so
Evgeniy Balchin:
I don't trade him.
On the rest of the SOT, nothing particularly pronounced.
There's not much in the way of expression on the rest of the SOT.
What are you looking at?
Evgeniy Balchin:
What are you looking at?

Long minus hedge shorts from reports