I'm interested in your opinion. What will happen?


What would happen if, for example, all the traders in the world went long on the Eurobucks at the same time?

Would the price explode upwards and fly off into space?

Vladimir Gribachev:

What would happen if, for example, all the traders in the world went long on the Eurobucks at the same time?

Would the price explode upwards and fly off into space?

Depends on what you mean by "all traders".)
Alexander Voronkov:
Depends on what you mean by "all traders")
Ordinary people like you and me.
Why up? How would there be a shortage? On the contrary, everyone has bought, everyone has it, so there is an abundance, so no one needs it, so it will get cheaper and collapse downwards.
Vladimir Gribachev:
ordinary people like you and me.
Alexander Voronkov:
nothing ;)
I think so, too :)
By the glass, all applications from the cheapest to the most expensive will be raked in. The price will fly into space.
It will go up and stop (money ran out). Then everyone will close positions and it will go down to the starting point (minus the spread). Puppeteers do not take the spread from themselves. For example, if they opened several positions in a row and the price went up by 100 points, when they close those positions the price will go back exactly by 100 points. But this is only if no one else has done the deal. If, for example, regular traders have moved the price up by 100 points, the puppeteers can call it quits and be the first to close their deals. Then the price will return 100 pips back and traders will be in the red.
Since everyone opened at the same time, let them all close at the same time.
Vladimir Gribachev:

What would happen if, for example, all the traders in the world went long on the Eurobucks at the same time?

Would the price explode upwards and fly into space?

trading will be stopped after the intraday price change by more than 3%.

No one will be able to get up in time.
Ivan Vagin:
trading will be halted after an intraday change in instrument price of more than 3%

everyone will not have time to get up
No ability to think abstractly at all? What I see is what I sing about?