The future of MQL5 is MQL5+ or even MQL6


Share your wishes about what needs to be implemented.

This includes the language itself (missing features, graphics capabilities, upgrading the standard library), and the terminal (desktop, other operating systems, mobile systems).

One thing's for sure: locs are forbidden. Any mention of them is punishable by hot iron. No hard feelings afterwards.


I would, for example, change the standard library. Perhaps bring its look to its big brothers in visual design. With standardised access to properties. Something like:

The future of the standard library


It's worth expanding the MetaEditor's toolkit, I think. We have a strong and powerful language, but the means of working with it... not even a string fouling tool...

Dennis Kirichenko:

It's worth expanding the MetaEditor's toolkit, I think. We have a strong and powerful language, but the means of working with it... not even a string fouling tool...

I agree, I still feel more comfortable in Notepad++ than in MetaEditor, oddly enough.
Sergey Basov:
I agree, I'm still strangely more comfortable in Notepad++ than in MetaEditor.
Are the settings in Notepad++ standard? Or have you plugged in additional modules for proper syntax highlighting?
Karputov Vladimir:
Are the settings in Notepad++ standard? Or have you added additional modules for the correct syntax highlighting?

I connected modules, I made them myself especially for syntax highlighting. It's been a long time ago, though, for the old MQL4. The latest innovations are not highlighted in MQL4.

I have not done it for MQL5 yet.

  • Custom enterprise editor story: simultaneous support of thousands of tools, data update, custom data providers (using S# Gydra as an example)
  • Multifactor tables with flexible filtering and configuration (what is now a notepad among tables).
  • Tick history (Ask+Bid+Last) with ability to test on it. +Prohibition to sell "grails" in the Market that have not been tested on the ticking data.
  • Options.
  • Funds.
  • Normal partner on the brokerage side (not DC, not forex), with non-creepy**** technical support, which is able to at least fill in all MQL5 modifiers and provide a normal list of instruments.
s.w. Sick of it?

Wishes on the subject of social trading:

  • Blogs are now tons of information spam from various offices. "Bank of Japan doesn't consider its actions to be easing...", "December 21 review from leading dealers...", "Oil price is down...". - Who reads all this spam? Who needs it? Where are the PERSONAL blogs of users? What place does ALGOTRADING have on blogs? Smartlab (gatherings of amateurs in essence) is really more interesting to read, because they have 100% personal content, and sometimes there are pearls. I have nothing against them, but they should not be the basis.
  • Forum. Compare the forum of 2006-2009 with what we have now. What are they discussing now? Flipping a coin statistics? Martingale? How to boost your Marketplace sales? What kind of topics were discussed then? Yes, on many issues they are still at the top of Yandex. Where have the participants then? There are only fragments left.

s.w. About MQL5 - no need to touch it. There's nothing wrong with the language. Understand, the popularity of the platform doesn't depend on whether or not there's a focus or not. Popularity (in the social sense) depends on three things:

  1. The elite. That around which the community of traders is formed. At the moment, it has safely destroyed itself on this resource. Because in its time, the administration has staked on faceless "masses". What good is this mass of under*#(@? Seriously discuss trailing stops or MACD indicators? Now the elite may be some stars or cool algotraders with their schools, lectures, etc., etc. But where are they? - I'll tell you where: they are on other resources, because they are more interesting there.
  2. Self-expression. A place where people can express themselves. What we have in fact: a forum of very narrowly focused "programmers". Discussion is mainly on the topic of who needs what canvasses and how to turn a rectangular button into a round one. But how can a non-programmer express himself here? A person who does not care about all this programming stuff.
  3. The trick. This is what makes a resource unique. Smartlab has personal blogs of ordinary traders. Old good finam (before it self-destructed and turned into seedy whotrades) has blogs of some traders on statistics, quantitative analysis (I still have some entries in my stash). The old MQL4 forum also had its own thing: these are specific people Mathmat, Leo, Ananimus, Avals. Their mathematical calculations, systematic approach, MathCad charts and "level" discussion. But that chip is now lost and I don't see a new one, unfortunately.
I apologise for being blunt, but it's not the first year on the forum after all.
Add to MetaEditor-e a possibility to collapse/uncollapse pieces of code as in other programs. Then you won't have a sheet of code in front of your eyes, but everything will be compact.
Oksana Berenko:
Add to MetaEditor-e a possibility to collapse/uncollapse pieces of code, like in other programs. Then it will not be a sheet of code, but everything will be compact.