The oil issue ... - page 41

Sergey Golubev:
Nothing will happen. The main thing is that our currencies fall synchronously (so that the quotes in exchange offices do not change).

I used to pay 15 roubles for 1 Polish zloty (the rouble was 55 or 57 for the dollar). At the beginning of January this year they were charging 17 or so roubles for the zloty (in exchange offices):

The zloty is falling and our ruble is falling .... They think that we are in a crisis and we no longer have to buy their strawberry beer and Norwegian fish, etc., while we have it the same way we have it - without change, and it doesn't depend on the falling ruble.

Let China and the U.S. deal with this, and let everything in our country fall in sync with each other so that the mutual exchange rates do not change.
In general, in a few years only we ("downshifters") will remain (other countries will become like us from the crisis).

Here, you should just look at optimistic forecasts of 1-1.5 years ago - of Uncle Vovik, his cronies and other "economists. Economics is an inexact science. What today seems right tomorrow will be overturned and trampled - they will say it was so and justify it. And if the pound and the euro have so-called "support lines", the ruble simply lacks them! There's a void there.
Interesting / not interesting ... The main thing is to make money! With the bits you have - probably a bust. You want to dabble in oil?

It depends on what you call "missing out")

If you consider that I came in with 10000r. and came out with 30000r. + for 3 years to withdraw once a year for 75000-150000r (change of 1000-3000 per month. do not count.). then, yes, probably a flop.

If you made a quid a thousand quid, you wouldn't be screwed.)

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

It depends on what you call "missing out")

If you consider that I came in with 10000r. and came out with 30000r. If you take into account the fact that I came in with 10,000r and came out with 30,000r + for 3 years to withdraw once a year for 75,000-150000r (small 1000-3000 a month. do not count). then yes, probably a flop.

If I had withdrawn a quid a lakh quid, I would not have failed.)

That's not how I meant it... I meant the government took care of it. But there are always workarounds, am I right? )))
You just have to look at the optimistic forecasts of 1-1.5 years ago - of Uncle Vovik, his cronies and other "economists". Economics is an inexact science. What today seems right tomorrow will be overturned and trampled - they will say it was so and justify it. And if the pound and the euro have so-called "support lines", the ruble simply lacks them! There is a void there.
85.85 (USD/RUB) is a resistance level( on thedaily chart). But if it penetrates this level (on the closed daily bar) - then there really is nothing... Only pivots with fibs :)
Sergey Golubev:
85.85 (USD/RUB) - resistance level( on thedaily chart). But if it penetrates this level (according to the closed daily bar) - then there is really no resistance... Only pivots with fibs :)
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

Generally speaking, we are about to become millionaires, albeit ruble-denominated.
We are about to become millionaires, albeit in rubles.


i am a billionaire without it )

Pardon me, just a millionaire.

We will soon be millionaires, even if they are ruble.
10 thousand roubles is worth 92,233,720,368,547,760.00 Zimbabwean dollars (92 ahrynilliard ...) and
20 thousand roubles are worth 92,233,720,368,547,760.00 (also 92 ahryniliard).

Why the same?

Sergey Golubev:
10 thousand roubles is worth 92,233,720,368,547,760.00 Zimbabwean dollars (92 ahryniliards ...) and
20k is worth 92,233,720,368,547,760.00 Zimbabwean dollars (also 92 ahryniliards).

Why is it the same?

Here's where you can get away with 3 pennies ....
Sergey Golubev:
10 thousand roubles is worth 92,233,720,368,547,760.00 Zimbabwean dollars (92 ahryniliard ...) and
RUB 20k is worth 92,233,720,368,547,760.00 (also 92 ahryniliard).

Why the same?

The same because the maximum amount of currency issued by this state is 92,233,720,368,547,760.00 i.e. physically there are no more banknotes and it is possible that Zimbabweans have not yet discovered a number that is higher than 92,233,720,368,547,760.00 ...

There are no other assumptions....


Zimbabwe is out of the question.

Then there is Poland (there we have the crisis, the ruble at 50 or 80 or more - the exchange rates will not change much).
Then there is the Paraguayan Guaraní - a six-month chart:

On 1 August we had RUB 61 to the dollar (in guaranies somewhere 1 RUB = 87 guaranies), now the ruble is just over RUB 78 to the dollar (in guaranies somewhere 1 RUB = 77 guaranies).

Even if oil costs $10, we will be able to maintain normal trade with Poland and Paraguay (even if America "collapses" - we will be fine with the zloty and the guaranías compared to the rouble).