The oil issue ... - page 32

What do we have to worry about! Everyone is better off when things get cheaper! Let the oil sellers worry! They don't care either, they've already sucked up everything they could. And their children won't have to work, they will spend their lives in parasitism and idleness. Would anyone envy them?!
What do we have to worry about! Everyone is better off when things get cheaper! Let the oil sellers worry! They don't care either, they've already sucked up everything they could. And their children won't have to work, they will spend their lives in parasitism and idleness. Does anyone envy them?!
You probably do not know what is going on in Russia. Oil is getting cheaper and everything is getting more expensive, including petroleum products.
Yuri Evseenkov:
including petroleum products.

it looks simple, there is an external market and a domestic market

oil is getting cheaper on the external market so that profits on the external market do not fall, they increase sales

and where to get more oil quickly? Right, the domestic market

The domestic market creates a shortage of supply, while demand stays the same, so father Onufry cripples the domestic market price.


In the city of Haughton Lake in the US state of Michigan, the cost per gallon (about 3.78 litres) of petrol has dropped to 47 cents.

1 litre = 12 cents = 10 roubles.

The price was the result of competition between the city's three petrol stations

Цена литра бензина в США упала до минимума с 2000 года
Rambler News Service — Цена литра бензина в США упала до минимума с 2000 года
Bank of America рассчитал сценарий с долларом по 210 руб.
Bank of America рассчитал сценарий с долларом по 210 руб.
​При падении цены на нефть до $25 за баррель для бездефицитного исполнения российского бюджета на 2016 год доллар должен стоить 210 руб. Для исполнения бюджета с дефицитом 3%, который президент России Владимир Путин в декабре назвал максимальным, доллар должен стоить 140 руб., подсчитали экономисты Bank of America Merrill Lynch. В середине...
Yuri Evseenkov:
You probably do not know what is going on in Russia. Oil is getting cheaper and everything is getting more expensive, including petroleum products.

It means that you should have got off the oil addiction long ago, instead of relying on the old-fashioned "tsar-master" or some other "keeper"!

Then think about who needs it, then you will understand everything, so that next time...

And here everything is fine, prices are getting cheaper as fuel costs have decreased, and you don't need a car because you have excellent transportation even in the middle of nowhere, as I wish you all do!

Artem Chyvelev:
)))) How many people want to eat, but all they do is choke... ...but don't open your mouth to someone else's loaf... We'll just get over the heartburn or go back to military communism... thanks America... always helps...
What kind of question is that!? Didn't they explain it on Channel 1?!

Sergey Golubev:

And the rouble too ... When I wrote this post it was 78.75, when I pushed 'Add'/Publish - it was 79.05, I do not envy those who do technical analysis for Ruble there either: by Muvinings - nothing (no resistance level), by Ichimoku - there is no level on the way up, only pivot (first resistance level of annual pivot - 81.68). What they will tell us on TV - it is not clear (while they start to tell - the ruble has already broken through the R1 Yearly Pivot value of 81.68, and the next level is not even visible to me).

If only we could make a chart, where USDRUB and crude oil pair together - and see how they move together (and since when they started to move like that).

I found this indicator in the codebase (for MT4):