Servicedesk. Complaints, suggestions. - page 17


I opened a demo account for an experiment. There is no investment access on it.

MQ-Demo MOEX has a bug that prevents you from trading. On what server did you open it?

SZZ Here are the details of the investment


Otkritie Broker

Login : 1010955
On the demo, the investor password is the same as the account password, so there is no difference between the two.

Otkritie Broker

Login : 1010955
Investor : *
In the demo, the investor password is the same as the account password, so there is no difference between the two.

Posted profits on trades

: Ticket = 13155988
: HistoryDealGetDouble(Ticket,DEAL_PROFIT) = -5.33
: Ticket = 13155986
: HistoryDealGetDouble(Ticket,DEAL_PROFIT) = 0.67
: Ticket = 13155974
: HistoryDealGetDouble(Ticket,DEAL_PROFIT) = 2.67

Didn't trim off the second digit myself. What is trimmed is exactly that kind of profits, not a printout.

Indeed, a penny loss has occurred. And that's a real financial screw up! I wasn't expecting that.

But you have raised an interesting point.

Let me show you a screenshot of deals.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and strategy testing

Service Desk. Complaints, suggestions.

Francuz, 2019.06.19 15:17

Pattern of reproducing error with penny loss in balance, even with manual trading.

Buy 1 lot at an even price, buy 1 lot at an odd price, buy 1 lot at an even price, sell 1 lot, sell 1 lot, sell 1 lot.

I will add more screenshot of weighted average price (highlighted) opening/closing position

Weighted average open position is ENTRY_IN. Closings are ENTRY_OUT.

You may wonder why the profit should have been a whole. It can be easily explained by the fact that if there were three accounts, and one opening and one closing were made on each of them, each would have a whole profit. Accordingly, on three together it would also be a whole. But how come that the profit on each trade is not a whole?

The thing is that when a given position for three lots is closed for one lot, then each incoming trade is closed for 1/3 of a lot as it were. And then the profit from each is added up. Hence we get fractional profits from the trades.

Losing a penny seems to be an architectural flaw in MT5. Perhaps, once a day broker adjusts balance by several kopecks to level out this misalignment.

It is quite possible that DEAL_PROFIT is doing Normalize in the guts. And ACCOUNT_BALANCE is calculated using all DEAL_PROFIT, which is why there is such a skew in the Terminal. But it is absent on the server. We would have to ask the developers.

Another bug in calculation of current position profit


Posted profits on the trades

Didn't trim off the second digit myself. What is trimmed is exactly such profits, not a printout.

Indeed, a penny loss has occurred. And that's a real financial screw up! Didn't see that coming.

WHERE exactly?
Rashid Umarov:
WHERE exactly?

When you trade Si-6.19, after closing the positions the profit (excluding commissions) should always be in whole numbers of rubles. You can clearly see in the screenshots that a penny is added or subtracted.


When you trade Si-6.19, after closing the positions the profit (excluding commissions) should always be in whole numbers of rubles. You can clearly see in the screenshots that a penny is added or subtracted.

I don't see anything like that

Rashid Umarov:

I do not see anything of the kind

In the screenshot it is highlighted.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Service Desk. Complaints, suggestions.

fxsaber, 2019.06.19 18:11

ZZZ another bug in the current position profit calculation


Posted profits on the trades

Didn't trim off the second digit myself. What is trimmed is exactly those profits, not the printout.

Indeed, a penny loss has occurred. And that's a real financial screw up! Didn't see that coming.

Where's the penny loss? You're talking to yourself.

PS The fact that the terminal shows financial results without rounding to whole roubles is another matter.

Rashid Umarov:

Where is the loss of the penny? You're talking to yourself.

PS The fact that the terminal shows financial results without rounding to whole roubles is another matter.

hide the "file view paste..." panel from the f10 key.

it's never used by anyone, but it's psychologically taxing and takes up space.

I don't want to look at it for years.


masxj0.PNG  26 kb

Another one. Sort it out for yourselves.

I don't look at file and compressed pictures.