What if the cable gets cut? - page 2

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

I do not know about military operations, nowadays it is customary not to declare a conflict as war, and all actions are disguised as random events, natural disasters, in general, what they say on TV is what they believe, it is not easy for the average person to check on their own.

Judging by the map there is more than one cable, it is quite expensive to cut them all off at once, but if necessary, I think it is possible.

The first thing that comes to mind is that the markets will stop, transactions will stop, and if someone has an account there, then "goodbye".

In first place is the UK(which is understandable), second for some reason Japan and only two cables to China.

It feels like something has already been ripped off. The Internet via a USB modem is slowing down for the second week.

"Expert Michael Secrist believes there is indeed cause for concern. In 2012, he was commissioned by the US Department of Defense to do a study on the vulnerability of undersea cables. "Cables are damaged all the time - by anchors or by natural disasters, for example. But most damage happens within a few miles of the shore and can be repaired within days," he explained.

The location of the cables is no secret - they run in the same place where telegraph wires were laid in the second half of the 19th century. However, their importance today is far more serious than it was then. They enable daily transactions totalling more than 10 trillion dollars a day. The internet is responsible for 95% of everyday communications."


Satellite capacity to coordinate US and EU military action against Russia will suffice, and the rest will be irrelevant
Alexander Bereznyak:
Satellite capacity will be enough to coordinate military actions of the USA and the EU against Russia, and all the rest will not matter.

The military probably uses satellites now, but they are not protected either, maybe they cannot be eliminated (problematic), but they can be listened to for sure, the last satellite with cryptographic equipment seems to have failed to reach the orbit.

but it is not the military activities that interest them, there is usual fist-fighting, but it seems to me it will not come to that, at least they will hide it as much as they can.

ordinary everyday people will be the first to be cut off

The Ministry of Communications and Roskomnadzor have conducted an experiment to simulate Russia's disconnection from the Internet.

According to Andrey Semerikov, vice-president of the Media and Communications Union and CEO of provider Er-Telecom, the experiment was conducted in spring 2015 and ended in failure,C-news writes.

According to Semerikov, during the experiment, Roskomnadzor sent instructions to the control centers of major telecommunications operators to block traffic from certain foreign backbone channels, but it failed to completely cut off Russia's communications with the outside world: the traffic still went abroad, and the routes of the traffic remained unknown. According to experts, the reason for this is the large number of "grey" Internet providers, whose activities are poorly controlled by the state.


The Ministry of Communications and Roskomnadzor have conducted an experiment to simulate Russia's disconnection from the Internet.

According to Andrey Semerikov, vice-president of the Media and Communications Union and CEO of provider Er-Telecom, the experiment was conducted in spring 2015 and ended in failure,C-news writes.

According to Semerikov, during the experiment, Roskomnadzor sent instructions to the control centers of major telecommunications operators to block traffic from certain foreign backbone channels, but it failed to completely cut off Russia's communications with the outside world: the traffic still went abroad, and the routes of the traffic remained unknown. According to experts, the reason for this is the large number of "grey" Internet providers, whose activities are poorly controlled by the state.

So that's where the Ministry of Communications and Roskomnadzor's substrates go ))))
Alexandr Bryzgalov:
So it's the substrates of the Ministry of Communications and Roskomnadzor that are walking around )))
What are "substrates"?
What is "backings"?
It's kind of a typo, it's "substrates".)

The Ministry of Communications and Roskomnadzor have conducted an experiment to simulate Russia's disconnection from the Internet.

According to Andrey Semerikov, vice-president of the Media and Communications Union and CEO of provider Er-Telecom, the experiment was conducted in spring 2015 and ended in failure,C-news writes.

According to Semerikov, during the experiment, Roskomnadzor sent instructions to the control centers of major telecommunications operators to block traffic from certain foreign backbone channels, but it failed to completely cut off Russia's communications with the outside world: the traffic still went abroad, and the routes of the traffic remained unknown. According to experts, the reason for this is the large number of "grey" Internet providers, whose activities are poorly controlled by the state.

Well, if you can't block Russia, why not just block America? Easier and cheaper, that's all the logic.