What if the cable gets cut?


I'm interested in the consequences. It's just that, if there is such a possibility, should we start worrying already? )


США заподозрили Россию в намерении перерезать подводные интернет-кабели
США заподозрили Россию в намерении перерезать подводные интернет-кабели
  • www.rbc.ru
Высокопоставленные военные США и сотрудники американской разведки обеспокоены тем, что российские подводные лодки и корабли-шпионы «агрессивно действуют» вблизи важных подводных кабелей, которые обеспечивают почти весь глобальный интернет, пишет The New York Times. Основная обеспокоенность вызвана не тем, что Россия может перехватить...
Satellite channels will remain.
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

The consequences are interesting. It's just that if there is such a possibility, should we start worrying already? )


They don't have anything else to do, they are probably listening, and the pentagon needs money in a hurry as usual, so they are spreading panic)


Политика | РИА Новости
Политика | РИА Новости
  • ria.ru
Политика - новости политической сферы; события общественной, государственной жизни страны, действия и решения властных структур.
Oleg Tsarkov:

They don't have anything else to do, they are probably listening, and the pentagon needs money in a hurry as usual, so they are spreading panic)


there must be fibre optics, can you listen to it?

ZS: I am not interested in the possibility, but in the consequences. cutting it does not take much intelligence, it's more a matter of technique.

there are satellites, but the bulk of the traffic goes via cable. satellites are expensive and slower than direct cable.

Has anyone come across a map of internet cables anywhere? )
Alexandr Bryzgalov:
There must be fibre optic, can you listen to it?
Definitely fibre, I doubt it can be listened to in any way. And satellite won't save it, not the same bandwidth.
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

Surely there is fibre optic in there, can you listen to it?

You can't. Only a concealed connection to the cable

it turns out the whole network depends a lot on submarine cables.

Maps are plentiful and freely available, there are probably no secret cables, but you can get an idea of the big picture


Карта подводного интернета 2014 от TeleGeography
Карта подводного интернета 2014 от TeleGeography
  • habrahabr.ru
На карте отображены оптоволоконные кабели, которые проходят по дну океанов, соединяя страны. Конечно же, есть еще масса оптоволоконных соединений по суше, но они не отображены на карте, информацию о них вы можете поискать здесь. Пол Бродски, аналитик TeleGeography, комментируя карту, объяснил: «Подавляющее большинство интернет-трафика...
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

Surely there's fibre optic, can you listen to it?

ZS: I'm not interested in the possibility, but in the consequences. cutting it doesn't take much intelligence, it's more a matter of technique.

The idea is that there are satellites, but the main stream goes by cable. satellites are expensive and slower than direct cable.

I hadn't thought of fibre optics.) I assume we are talking about the outbreak of hostilities? Satellite is no good for coordination, the signal lags too much. Apparently, it makes sense for Russia to map the communications of a potential enemy.
here is a more correct link to the map: http://submarine-cable-map-2014.telegeography.com/
Oleg Tsarkov:
I didn't think about the fibre optic). I assume we're talking about the outbreak of hostilities? Satellite will not do for coordination, the signal lags too much. Apparently on the Russian side it makes sense to map the communications of a potential enemy.

I do not know about military operations, nowadays it is customary not to declare a conflict as war, and all actions are disguised as random events, natural disasters, in general, what they say on TV is what they believe, it is not easy for ordinary people to check on their own.

Judging by the map, there is more than one cable, it's quite expensive to cut them all off at once, but if necessary, I think it's possible.

The first thing that comes to mind is that markets will stand up, transactions will stop, if someone has accounts there, then "goodbye"