Windows 10 and pranks - page 4

Artyom Trishkin:
He collects axes :)))))))))))))))
I don't know what he collects, but if axes, mine will be his last.)
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

I threw these out myself, they were starting to stink.)

Well, I didn't. You threw them out. Where's your housekeeping? You put them on the window, the flies die. Or put it under your neighbour's mattress...

And remember: He who has the information, has the world.

and you're the one leaking the information.

Artyom Trishkin:
Well. You threw it away. Where's your housekeeping? Put it on the window - flies die. Or put it under your neighbour's mattress...

No, you can't go out the window. I'm still alive, too.)

ZS: if you put it up and go out )))

idea ))))

only they don't die, they swoop in, and then I'm like, with a second slipper, fuck off...))

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

No, you can't put it on the window. I'm still alive, too.)

ZS: if you put it up and go out )))

idea ))))

The only thing is that they don't die, but they swoop down and then I'm like this with the second slipper, cock from above ))))

What for? Watch the sequence:

1. Put it on the window - flies swoop and stick.

2. To the neighbours in the number of slippers under the mattress.

3. Announcement on the entryway about getting rid of horrible smells and hallucinations caused by the action of unknown substances

4. You have to collect money from N. number of neighbours

5. if there's not enough cash - goto p1

6. else buying an island, suitcase, private jet, beer-girls, everything ...

zy. Just don't spread the word to the softies.


In fact, Google and Apple have the same thing - data collection, accumulation, mining, disclosure upon request

But you don't have to worry so much - who needs pictures?

If you really need to hide your history, you may use a temporary account or a proxy.

Files in storage can be encrypted, or at least zipped with a password.

<br / translate="no">The new operating system and so on.

Once upon a time, high up in the impregnable mountains covered with dense impassable forests, a production meeting gathered under the watchful eye of the Great Architect of the Universe. The meeting was attended by the following co-companions in evil: on the right the administrative department - wolves, on the left the ITR - hunters and in the centre the shopkeepers/manufacturers - shepherds. The shepherds actually signed up for this meeting, but only those in authority were invited. The rest were promised to be shown a (published) full verbatim report. Frankly speaking shepherds did not expect anything good from this meeting, but just in case, they were filled up with popcorn and sat down in comfortable armchairs at the far end of the table. But wolves, though present in clear minority, were mad as dogs and kept clicking their teeth significantly. The technical department of the hunters was the most represented in numbers. The representatives of the Northern units wore sheepskin coats and the Southern ones wore leather jackets. In addition they all had guns and fired in the air at any occasion, especially if they disagreed with something.

The subject of the meeting was: what to do with free sheep and lambs, grazing without proper supervision on the still free meadows? Because their whining and bleating is disturbing everyone's life and they are always dissatisfied with something.

Wolves have offered the following plan: quietly and imperceptibly to sneak up, surround everybody and devour. This proposal was met with indignation. Hunters have not liked that they were given a role of observers in the process and not allowed to shoot. Otherwise there would be a big commotion and many sheep and rams would run away. Then, one has to chase them. The shepherds also were categorically against it, their argument runs as follows: after a feeding the wolves leave skins which are badly damaged, torn to pieces. What to do with them afterwards? The jackets are of the third class, they are sold as working clothes for guards only. And the wool is disgusting - they're scraps. You can't even knit socks...

Hunters offered to gather everybody into one pile, to come near and to shoot everyone. But this proposal was also rejected. The wolves did not like the fact that the bullets stuck in the carcasses would break their sharp fangs, and dentistry is expensive these days. The shepherds were against it too. Bullets leave holes in the hide and then you have to mend them in Chinese factories. It's expensive. The result is only second-rate hides. And it's not logical: you shoot and eat them all, and then what? Tomorrow or some time later what are you going to eat, whom are you going to chase and where are you going to get wool for socks and knitted garments?

The discussion turned first into a verbal conflict with insults and then came to a hand-to-hand fight. Wolves and hunters clashed, biting and shooting, right in the meeting room. The shepherds did not get involved. They decided not to get dirty and just watched the fight in silence, chewing carefully saved pop-corn. Generally, as before in the world history: hunters and wolves divided into Bolsheviks and Mensheviks.

The Great Architect of the Universe got fed up with all this mess, he was really really fed up, and he cried:
- Sha! Quiet, everyone! Let's hear the shepherds' proposal, it seems these guys are the only ones offering a deal!

And the shepherds had their say...

And so, grazing in the lowlands, free sheep and lambs, one day saw surveyors with tools and builders with machinery. At first, in their stupidity, they thought they were some scattered free masons - phew on them. But these builders had a big plan which they had to check all the time. There were many constructions, though they differed from each other only in external dimensions and names. The interior was about the same.

For cowardly sheep and rams these buildings looked very unusual: high, strong walls topped with sharp barbed wire in some beautiful, hitherto unseen pattern. Above, on poles with floodlights and machine guns (for protection against wolves and hunters) hung something similar to a cloud, with an incomprehensible inscription in large imported letters Cloud with a note: Made in USA. To reassure some individual members of the herd, they were regularly given tours inside the perimeter (all for free, really, honestly, no tricks or hype!). They were shown their future stables, all clean, almost sterile. Look to your right, here you are feeding, everything is automated, feed is fed automatically without your participation! You just have to open your mouth...

- Whoa! - shouted the sheep. - Bravo! - shouted the rams.

- And now look to your left: Here we'll give you a little haircut, for your own hygiene. The tools are imported, all chrome-plated, all shiny, brand new! Now lift your snouts up, see that thing that looks like a cloud? This is where your six will go straight through processing and into our storage facility.

- Hoor-rah!!! - the sightseers shouted in unison.

- And over here," the shepherd pointed his whip towards a round hole in the wall, "you will have a new voice assistant. If you want to go to the toilet, have a drink of fresh water, or just have a smoke, then say your wishes here.
- Though, - shepherd remarked sceptically, - so far he can't understand your bleating and mooing. But it's a purely technical fault, - we'll fix it...

Here a very young lamb came crying out:
- Why is the river, from which we all drink and bathe, blocked with nets, now there is no way to enter the water? - Err, silly, they are not just nets," the shepherd replied smiling condescendingly, wagging his whip meaningfully, "they are social nets. Specially for your safe communication and not to swim over the buoys...
- Any other stupid questions?

- This can't be happening!? It's more like a fairy tale or a daydream, isn't it? - Some sheep and rams in a herd were hesitating, those animals, who had been on excursion, were sharing impressions with them in the smoking room.
- Don't we have to be afraid of wolves, hunters and viruses in food?
- Will the pens be opened soon? - impatient, collective, herd voices were raised.
- Soon, soon, - the shepherds affectionately reassured them by hammering the last nails into strong fences and pulling a sharp barbed wire with a beautiful fanciful pattern...

From the impregnable heights, from the office windows, wolves and hunters watched it all:
- I wonder if they guessed to read the licence agreement.

This perplexed question they asked the Architect together.

- Of course," the Great Architect of the Universe confirmed, but But ... only those of these dumb animals can read. And those are few in number. And those who are already born outside these walls, no one will be able to read. And they have read only the main text and not the text below, written in small, light letters on a blindingly white background. And why should they know that some of them, after shepherds cut them down, will be shot by hunters. And when the skin is carefully removed from them and the bullets are removed, they will be eaten by wolves. The processed skins and wool will be sent to our factories. So, wolves will be satisfied, hunters will be satisfied and shepherds won't have any trouble... That's the way to live! I command it! Immediately spread this cloud idea to all our other pens, big and small, and everything in general: from the operating system to a simple browser! If they don't want to come here, they'll come to others, but also ours, only with other labels... And those who don't want to come, we'll hunt them down, without rules or licences... The meeting is adjourned, we'll sum up the results, we'll collect the dough.

( from the net: - see comments )
  • X-Hunter777
Для простых людей выход новой версии Windows – новость как минимум любопытная. Даже им интересно узнать, что там на этот раз придумала Microsoft. В свою очередь, для компьютерных энтузиастов масштабное обновление «операционки» и вовсе сродни настоящему празднику. Когда-то в рядах таких энтузиастов был и я. Новая система всегда была для меня...

I've suddenly started booting Windows 10, I'm sitting here pondering, going through my C drive?

Or will it not reformat anything on the drives, especially the C drive, just install to replace the previous version? What to expect?



It's not clear what the applications are.

Also this is alarming:

" c. Malware protection. Microsoft cares about protecting devices against malware. The software will include anti-malware protection if other protection is not installed or has expired. Other anti-malware software will be disabled or you may need to remove it."


I suddenly started booting into Windows 10, I'm sitting here wondering, going through my C drive?

Or does it not reformat anything, on drives, especially C, it just installs to replace the previous version? What to expect?

nothing is formatted, all installations of all programmes will mostly work

some programs may have to be re-installed, for example I had to re-install the touchpad driver

MT works without any problems except for retyping passwords

and getting used to the ugly primitive interface.