Activations of a product purchased from the marketplace were taken away - page 2


And why did you do 5 activations on 5 different computers within 24 hours?

The purchase is personal, and the activation mechanism is a protection against hardware changes, but not a multi-install right.

In any case, the minimum number of activations has been respected and additional activations are the seller's right. We didn't do a transfer of the number of activations of the base product to the purchase, as it would have simplified the sellers to deal with lifting-removing activations. Apparently, this is what happened this time.

MetaQuotes Software Corp.:

You don't buy activations, you buy the product. The rules require a minimum of 5 activations, and you have them.

Everything else is a bonus that is provided or not provided by the author.

So the buyer just made the decision to buy the product based on the availability of the bonus.

It's like when you paid for the product in the warehouse and went to get it and they only shipped half of it to you because while it was being shipped the conditions of the shop had changed. Bullshit.

Renat Fatkhullin:

Why have you activated 5 activations on 5 different computers in one day?

The purchase is personal, and the activation mechanism is a protection against hardware changes, not a multi-install right.

Probably a person, when deciding to buy a particular product, is guided not only by the price of the product, but also by certain additional parameters, including the number of activations. Someone can buy "in groups", for example. That is the situation: ten people pooled their money but in fact only five of them installed the product. That is the feeling that someone somewhere has deprived someone of something.

The same may well be the case.


So the customer was just making a decision to buy the product based on the availability of the bonus.

It's like when you paid for the product in the warehouse and went to collect it, and only half of it was shipped to you because while it was being shipped, the shop's terms changed. This is nonsense.

Don't substitute concepts - the product, i.e. the product from the Marketplace was "shipped". You downloaded it. And I don't see how you can use up five activations in one go: Do you have a farm of computers at home?
Artyom Trishkin:

Probably a person, when deciding to buy a particular product, is guided not only by the price of the product, but also by certain additional parameters, including the number of activations. Someone can buy "in groups", for example. That is the situation: ten people pooled their money but in fact only five of them installed the product. That's the feeling that somewhere someone has deprived someone of something.

The same may well be true.

Artyom -- rule 3.3."The purchase of a Product does not imply the acquisition of rights to it. The Product is being transferred to the Buyer solely for the Buyer's personal use. "

There can't be a "hoarding" going on here.

This is ridiculous! What bonuses are you talking about? And what difference does it make whether the product is for personal use or for multiple users. There is a product with a price for a certain number of activations, there is a customer who uses the price and the number of activations to make his choice. If the buyer took 10 activations for a certain price at a certain point in time, no one has the right to take them away if the conditions have changed LATER! I think the mql5 service is fundamentally wrong in this situation.
Karputov Vladimir:
Don't confuse concepts - the product, i.e. a product from the Market has been 'shipped'. You downloaded it.

I give you 100 rubles and I get 3 kg of potatoes. I ask what's the matter? The woman says, "Oh, dear, the liquidity of potatoes in the market has dropped, the price has increased, so I sold you 3 kg for 100 rubles, so the product has not been fully shipped.

Renat Fatkhullin:

In any case, the minimum number of activations is respected and additional activations are the seller's right. We did not do a transfer of the number of activations of the base product to the purchase, as this would prostitute sellers to deal with lifting-removing activations. Apparently this is what happened this time.

Do you have to pay extra if the seller raises the price?
Karputov Vladimir:
Don't confuse concepts - the product, i.e. a product from the Market has been 'shipped'. You have downloaded it. And I don't see how you can use up five activations in one go: Do you have a farm of computers at home?
It's nobody's business whether I have a farm at home or a collective farm as long as I don't break the rules of the service.
MetaQuotes Software Corp.:

You don't buy activations, you buy the product. The rules require a minimum of 5 activations, and you have them.

Everything else is a bonus, provided or not provided by the author.

So it turns out that the seller can give the bonus before purchase -- and take it away immediately after purchase?