FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 626


So what I see is: Euro, Yen rising (not USDJPY, but the currency itself).

Remarkably, the yen is stronger than the euro.

I think the euro holiday will not last long.
I think the euro holiday will not last long.
Corrected my post. Yes, it's quite possible that it won't last. But, if the euro rises strongly, there will be a break in the underlying trend. And then the euro will rise more than fall, in the long run.
Sergey Novokhatskiy:

I dumped 50% of my FX savings today and told my family to get the rest on Wednesday (because I am gone)...

Here are a couple of screenshots for your reference

Gold story

Situation on the loon.

Find a pattern...(it is maturing)

Oil all according to plan I've added more limiters

And just to give you an idea.

I'll see youin October now.

North, you're not the only one waiting for gold. It's early. It's summer. What's earlier than October?

Anybody alive?

how many deposits are gone today ?

what happened ? just no news, the market got squeezed ?

Alexander Laur:
Is the yen down?
More accurately, it's rising)

Anybody alive?

how many deposits are gone today ?

what happened ? just no news, the market got squeezed ?

they're kidding. SOTs are being tweaked ? If my piper survived, it's probably too early to talk about lost deposits.

Anybody alive?

how many deposits are gone today ?

what happened ? just no news, the market got squeezed ?

It's called: China took it, China gave it away...

Are we going sideways? I'd like to saw a week... Tired of these "strong" moves.

Alexander Laur:
Is the yen down?

My mistake, corrected, I meant the buck-yen.

I imagine if they do raise the rate in September, it will be a navigator's flight.