FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1990


Canadian covered, 1.4036 as a possible new buy ))))


Canadian covered, 1.4036 as a possible new buy ))))

Maybe on the pound as well?))) AUD=5+
Maybe there's one for the pound as well?))) AUD=5+
no entries on the pound ((((

Tough forum. Called a prostitute and got banned. 15 minutes and that's it. All the newbies like this?

ps. MT at work (kind people told me) the firewall after the flash modem threw up packets, from the other beech everything went.

There are half a branch of such "newbies". What's wrong with being a prostitute? I haven't seen a single unhappy prostitute, except in the movies.
There's half a dozen "newbies" like that around here. What's wrong with being a prostitute? I haven't seen a single unhappy prostitute, except in the movies.
Mercy, three hours without a ban. I don't want to call you .............. You got it. And to send you........... I'll have to ignore you.
Another boorish clown has emerged

Merry Christmas to all the Orthodox!


Merry Christmas to all the Orthodox!

down the lines, it'll go up ))))))) ggggg
Have mercy, three hours without a ban. I don't want to call you ............. You got it. And sending you........... I'm going to have to ignore you.
Yeah, I don't care what you call me! I can tell by your "handwriting" that you're as new as me, Artem Sidorov. Handwriting is like Teacher, one gets banned and the other one shows up. This is a currency market forum, a "Trends, Forecasts and Consequences" thread, not a social networking site............ in case you didn't have time to read it.
I don't care what you call me! I can tell by your "handwriting" that you're as new as me, Artyom Sidorov. Handwriting is like Ticher's, one gets banned and the other one shows up. This is a currency market forum, a "Trends, Forecasts and Consequences" thread, not a social networking site ............ in case you didn't have time to read it.
Happy Holidays to you too. Do not write to me again.