FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1597

Oh, shit, the euro is about to explode with sales.
Alexey Busygin:
We don't need any inputs, we want to know how long you're with us!
Look, if the old man's on the demo, does that make him any stupider?
Look, if the Old One is bouncing off the demo, does that make him any stupider?
But he ain't no smarter either. You can tell by the order number, if it's a long number, it's a demo.

I showed you woodpeckers all the ins and outs, but you are woodpeckers, that's the diagnosis.

Sorcerer, you show them the grail here, they'll look and try to think, but they won't do anything.

Alyosha can still make us happy... I wish his cuckoo would start to fall off)))
Try feeding him pills or something... It's a bit boring...
Alexey Busygin:
We don't need inputs, we want to know how long you're with us!
Lesh, can I give you some more money?
Alyosha may yet make us happy... I wish his cuckoo would start to break)))
Try feeding him pills or something... It's a bit boring...
Lesha does not eat the wheels yet, but I think he still has a long way to go)...
Alexey Busygin:
But not smarter either! You can tell by the warrant number. If it's a long number, it means it's a demo.
Perelman's the dumbest, he didn't take the lemon. Listen, Basai genie, stop measuring. You won't get the money in an envelope anyway.
Lesh, can I give you some more money?
What's money got to do with it, just wondering how much of us you follow your own predictions.
Alexey Busygin:
It has nothing to do with money, I just wonder how much you follow your own predictions.

Why do you need money to count in other people's pockets? You cannot put it in your pocket and put it on your bread. Envy is a lost cause.

Watch other people's predictions and check the results. After a while you will know whose predictions are most in line with future reality.

Money likes silence, unlike analytics.

Yury Reshetov:

Why should you count money in other people's pockets? You can't put it in your pocket or put it on your bread. Envy is a lost cause.

Watch other people's predictions and check the results. After a while you will know which ones correspond most closely to reality.

Don't you read or see well?