FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1582


As they get drunk and do paperwork))))

Yes, there is no market without the americans, you can smoke until Tuesday)

Until the first star, no way)))
Waiting for #3 from Alesha...
Alexey Busygin:
Hoping to cash in on the euro again
Alexei don't slow down...
#3 show us))))
It used to be fun... Now it's a bit boring...
Ducky needs a drink, one or two, to keep things interesting...
Evgeniya Balchin:
Ducky needs a drink, one or two, so as not to get bored...
On the weekend... I could... Not with a monitor.))
At the weekend... can... and certainly not with a monitor)))
Don't strain Lesha too much - he'll run away)

like no one else lives there now, where the creatures took the pilot's life...

Solovyov read a message from the defence ministry...

Sergey Novokhatskiy:

like no one else lives there now, where the bastards took the pilot's life ...

Yeah. Cleaned up. It's better not to mock the Russians...