FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1287

Sergey Novokhatskiy:

Check your companies and withdraw before it's too late... as long as there is something to withdraw...

Альпари идет за российской лицензией | Forex Magnates
Альпари идет за российской лицензией | Forex Magnates
  • Vadim Sviderski
Представители крупнейшего российского форекс-брокера, компании Альпари, публично прокомментировали свой взгляд на вступление отечественного внебиржевого рынка в правовое поле. При этом, пока брокер не указал на прилагаемые им усилия по получению собственной лицензии форекс-дилера в России. Редакция Forex Magnates Russia обратилась к...
1.525 is the closest at the top.

in any case, 1.515 is the maximum for today, they won't let it go higher...then all the same to the 1500 area)// because 1520 is already weaker...besides, even 1510 (without the forward point) is questionable for me, because they drove it above 1505 only because of the futures... there you go))


I'm not saying the pound will go straight to 1.525 today. I am saying that there is a level at the top.

It so happened that I got busy with the Euro and I cannot buy the Pound. But, if I had a chance, I would consider buying with the target at 1.5250.


I'm not saying the pound will go straight to 1.525 today. I am saying that there is a level at the top.

It so happened that I got busy with the Euro and I cannot buy the Pound. But if I had the opportunity, I would consider buying with the target at 1.5250.

Not from here

I'm not saying the pound will go straight to 1.525 today. I am saying that there is a level at the top.

It so happened that I got busy with the Euro and I cannot buy the Pound. But if I had a chance, I would buy with the target at 1.5250.

Why did not you wait for Tuesday?

the right guys buy/sell on tuesdays...

Not from here.
1.48-1.49 on the levels. But the pound is oversold, so it might just not reach these levels. The first order could be opened today, I think.

Why didn't you wait until Tuesday?

Fuck knows. What do we have on Tuesdays?
Fuck knows. What do we have on Tuesdays?
We have nothing, they have...
The real chaps probably get their SOT reports on Tuesday, not Friday like everyone else