FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1952


"Also, the Central Bank has banned forex dealers from entering into financial transactions with individuals who are not qualified investors."

Yeah, right..... So now everyone has to become a qualified investor. Who came up with this "nonsense"?

It is easier to make it so: whoever wants to trade in which jurisdiction, does so. When withdrawing funds, if he is so lucky and has made money, he pays taxes and that's it.

It is too early to think about it. I talked to the broker's support - you may open an account today and there will be no exams.
Server Muradasilov:
I have talked to the broker's support, they say that you may open an account today and there will be no exams.

But they do. As far as I know, even when trading on cme you don't need any certificates. Where do they even come up with this stuff?

And for what it is, you would think a certificate would help not to leak.

Well, they introduced certificates, the number of traders has dropped several times and what is the result?)

Next, there will be paid certification and qualification and workplace assessment + health and safety examination!!!) HELMET, GOGGLES AND SAFETY VEST!!!
Anybody know when the bidding is going to be stopped so we don't end up with a mega gap?

But they do. As far as I know, even when trading on cme you don't need any certificates. Where do they even come up with this stuff?

And for what it is, you would think a certificate would help not to leak.

Well, well, they introduced certificates, the number of traders has dropped many times and what is the result?)

They are not so bad, register with an overseas broker and don't bother with this.
It's OK, register with an overseas broker and keep your mind clear.
)) that's right i made the same conclusions)))) thank you.
so who can tell me when to stop?
Evgeniya Balchin:
)) all right I made the same conclusions)))) thank you.
It will be especially fun. If a person graduates, gets a certificate and is so excited about earning millions, he'll sell his account in a few days.
Вадим Новопашин:
so who can tell me when to stop?
Look on your kitchen's website.
See your kitchen's website.
thank you kitchen if you are an alpari!)))