FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1941


This is all highlighted bullshit. Clusters contain information about trades.

I durked about the stochastic, don't you get it?)

Real data on trades, only from them you can draw conclusions and open trades based on those conclusions, everything else is bullshit.

As for Alyosha, he has a 3% grid, and Ilya has the stick, but it is useless, just bullshit.

Let's put it this way.

Now, let's not bicker, and you simply list the real data on trading and for what period.

For example, should the 6E trading tick data for 2013 be considered meaningful?


Let's put it this way.

Let's not pick on each other now, but you just list what you think is real trading data and for what period.

For example, should tick trading data for 6E for 2013 be considered relevant?

Yes I have already listed it a hundred times, futures and derivatives.

Year 13 data for today is irrelevant, only what is here and now.

Nestradamus, are you so many years, you've found something there?)

I've been doing Gunn rays for 3 of the 12 years I've been doing fore. I started out like everyone else with mash-ups and flea-bites. It took me from two weeks to three months to figure out and discard one of my own and others' ideas.

And for three years I cannot understand what law connects the way of drawing my dashes and the future price movement. I will not prove that the price "feels" the lines drawn a long time before its arrival. Moreover, the rays are drawn by the script according to the once and forever established law.

Ways of earning through the rays I posted on video a year and a half ago, the old-timers 4 won't lie.

What's up with these graphical constructions, there are no fish there, even the fact that Gunn himself has earned something from them is questionable.

I don't agree... to our data add Gann, very nice at 8 to 1

It's just that Gunn is more of an intraday 3 to 1.


I've been doing Gunn rays for 3 of the 12 years I've been doing fore. I started out like everyone else with mash-ups and flea-bites. It took me from two weeks to three months to figure out and discard one of my own and others' ideas.

And for three years I cannot understand what law connects the way of drawing my dashes and the future price movement. I will not prove that the price "feels" the lines drawn a long time before its arrival. Moreover, the rays are drawn by the script according to the once and forever established law.

Ways of earning with rays I posted on video a year and a half ago, the old-timers of 4 won't let me lie.

I remember, you don't tell me the biography))))

found the entrances?)

Roman Busarov:
I don't agree... add a hannah to our data, it's a very nice 8 to 1 ratio.
Why would the real data fit anything? Question.

I don't understand what you're trying to accuse me of and what you're arguing without having read the channeling rules. In your first sentence, you are already trying to impose on me your view of the rules of construction, which do not correspond to the original. How am I supposed to respond or argue with you? You are too lazy to go to the link and read a post with the rules of construction and an explanation of the meaning of this construction, while accusing me of mythical disregard. Well you don't want to try the method - don't. I'm not imposing it on you. I have my vision, you have yours. You think that your method works, having completely closed it (you wrote that construction parameters are the great secret), and at the same time, are trying to convince me that the geometry of construction of a OPEN OPEN-access model, in which no one could find faults, is wrong. I, on the other hand, believe that this model is flawless, and I cannot believe in your method, because to me it is a black box. And I don't believe in promises. You write about the arbitrariness of the price-time relationship in the model. And yet you ignore the call to read the rules. That is, without evidence. I suggest that you once again stop the pointless polemics, the method I presented is of no value to you and therefore I see no point in continuing the conversation.

Good luck.

I'm sorry you understood me that way...

I was simply trying to discuss the logic of all the constructions. But if that doesn't make sense to you...

Good luck to you too.


I remember, you don't tell me the biography))))

find the entrances?)

So ended the week at a crossroads. Purchases underpinned with a stop loss under the blue dash, and I'll catch a new purchase near the thick crimson one:


Yes I have already listed it a hundred times, futures and derivatives.

Year 13 data is irrelevant for today, only what is here and now.

Futures are also derivatives.

Tell me, why do you build a cluster on the candlesticks, and not on patterns? I think it makes more sense to build a cluster on extrema rather than on a candlestick pattern.


I was just trying to discuss the logic of all the constructions. But if this thing doesn't make sense to you...

Good luck to you, too.

The logic has been discussed for eight years. That's why it doesn't make sense to me - not one stick has changed in those years. What's the point of me wasting my time on it?