FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1913

Have I ever claimed otherwise? Our argument was about volumes, you argued that futures volumes are impossible to work on - they don't correspond to spot volumes. I argue that they have a strong direct correlation, which allows you to work on spot futures volumes. You think my statement is ridiculous, I think yours is ridiculous, who among us is right will judge the market.
Yeah, the correlation between spot and futures.......... and so on........ if the futures were a day ahead! And almost at the same time for medium-term online trading is nothing..... again, even on the spot, even on the futures, I have to include candlestick analysis, Murray, Fibo, the Golden Ratio and Vanga...... and I also forgot about the Sticks.
Alexey Busygin:

This worm doesn't have the guts to eat!

He has no idea who to grease, he has no idea who to grease. Nestradamus

I agree with one person, read another, change my message and agree with another.

A weather vane in a word!

I can't say anything to Nostradamus because I don't understand what he's saying.

And listen to Nemo, he talks the talk, pity there's not much there for practical application.


I can't say anything to Nostradamus, because I don't understand what he's saying.

But listen to Nemo, he speaks the truth, and there's not much there for practical application.

And all of you are bad, one is talking nonsense, another is speaking in a foreign language, another agrees with the third, but also no practical application.

And all is bad and all is wrong.


I can't say anything to Nostradamus, because I don't understand what he's saying.

But listen to Nemo, he speaks the point, pity there isn't much there for practical application.

Words of gold! It is not unimportant not to offend or alienate the man. In any case, in the "thick borscht" of information that pops up on the forum, you can nibble away something for yourself.
Words of gold! It is not unimportant not to offend or push someone away. In any case, in the "thick soup" of information that pops up on the forum, you can nibble away something for yourself.
I agree.
Might be interesting - about the electronics in the Su24

Zogman, thanks, I've read it, but to be honest I'm not the least bit surprised. Saw it live, and as I graduated from LVIKI I was horrified the first time I watched it.

I got to a facility after graduation that was still EXPLOITING station P-402 from 1949, 49 CARL!!!!That's in 1984!!! Thirty five years old!!! UHF 1.2 GHz, range with antenna 25 m - 60 km, quality reception-transmission of telemetry, RKO, TV. And most importantly - we repaired them ourselves, there were spares in two CUNGs!!!

What they produce now is beyond description. I saw production and acceptance at the time of the USSR. It was simply impossible. I have seen it even now, orders are fulfilled by commercial firms - silent madness. The bastards who ruined and fucked up the country should have been strangled when they were kids.

You mentioned correlation suspiciously a lot today. Correlation of what with what really helps you make money or your money in video courses?

I don't have video courses, students, seminars or any other crap.

Correlation is good for understanding basket trading - when you open multiple positions in different currencies, you are essentially trading a different number of lots of one currency multiplied by the weight (QC) of each currency. I.e. if you're buying a euro and a pound, it's equivalent to buying 1 lot of euro plus 1 lot of pound*KC.

But I use correlation in trading against the dollar index.

Yeah, the correlation between the spot and the futures.......... and so on........ if the futures were a day ahead! And almost at the same time for medium-term online trading is nothing..... Again, whether on the spot or the futures, I need to include candlestick analysis, Murray, Fibo, the Golden Ratio and Vanga...... and I also forgot about the Sticks.
Oh,man,I was talking about volumes.!!!! Dance on volumes on the 6E CME futures or on volumes on the ROSBIRGES via Quick.
Did I ever say otherwise? Our argument was about volumes, you argued that the futures volumes can't work - they don't match the spot volumes. I argued that they have a strong direct correlation, which allows you to work on spot futures volumes. You think my statement is ridiculous, I think yours is ridiculous, and the market will decide which of us is right.

I have always argued that market-moving volumes are not available to anyone. And the available futuresvolume is 0.01% of the forwards volume (refute it if you can)...

And, in connection with this, I am afraid to do market analysis based on a derivative of its small part, and purely speculative in nature... when the main part is far from being speculative...

Correlation is the evil one... You don't believe me? Take a closer look at your own links... If you've even looked at them...


I have always maintained that market-moving volumes are not available to anyone. And the futures volume is 0.01% of the forwards volume (refute it if you can)...

And, in connection with this, I somehow find it creepy to do market analysis based on a derivative of its minuscule part, and even purely speculative ... when the main part is not speculative...

And correlation is an evil one... You don't believe me? Take a closer look at your own links... If you've even looked at them...

You're talking dumb to deaf again.

1 Refuting the obvious is stupid.

2 The correlation is ORDERED HARD and equals 1 with a vanishingly small difference.

3 Who the fuck cares, speculative volumes or hedgerow volumes.

4 That's right, if you don't know how to do it, don't do it, you'll be meat.