FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1911

oh, and why are you all arguing on the air))) maybe you need to meet)))))))))
They don't swear, that's how they communicate here.
Alexey Busygin:

You worry about your health! You haven't given a single example of a hedge yet. You're just ranting. As for the rest, I'm afraid to imagine what a circus this will be.

You've already proven your dementia!

I wasn't going to show any hedge examples, you brought up the topic, I'm not interested, which is what I said, just passing by, I didn't deny myself the pleasure of dipping your nose in where you have shat.

here's the Euroen for the bazaar:

shake the lows and eeeeee....., go for the presents....

Thank you.

Have you taken up wave analysis yet?


Thank you.

Have you taken up wave analysis yet?


what waves???

it's winter, we've got the Volga under the house too...

I was not going to show you any examples of hedge, you have brought up the subject, I am not interested in it, I was just passing by and did not deny myself the pleasure of dipping your nose where you pooped.

Oh, you've written. I wish I understood something else.

Hedging is only good for the underdeveloped.


What do you think it is? I could talk to you about that, once I got into this caca, but then I realised it was caca.

How do you put emoticons in?

Hedging has nothing to do with brokers.

You also have a short memory!

If a broker prohibits buying and selling on the same financial instrument at the same time. Your hedged margin will be 0% As it is now on the MT5 platform.

FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015(продолжение)
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015(продолжение)
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015(продолжение). - Страница 1907 - Категория: общее обсуждение

And still a question:

I understand that the Russian broker receives quotes from the Russian Globex, and Globex, as you know, has information from the spot market and if you look at the site,то you can see the ratio of spot and futures 1850 to 39, i.e. you can safely discard the analysis by CME volumes?

P.S. Already a little more free in my head.

What matters here is not the ratio of volumes, but their correlation. The correlation is set rigidly due to the presence of arbitrage. Just think logically - if the price goes up in the spot, then the price should move up in the future with the proportional volume. And nothing else.

I see no point in proving it, I use it.

Alexey Busygin:

You also have a short memory!

If a broker forbids simultaneous buying and selling on one financial instrument. Your hedged margin will be 0% As it is now on the MT5 platform.

My dear, you forget what I wrote when I came here.

And I wrote that I've been observing those present for some time.

So there you go. Your "hedging" is limited to buying euros and selling them above, you do so solely because of your limited knowledge of trading terminals, and your knowledge of trading terminals is limited to only and exclusively to Metatrader 4, only it can sell and buy the same euro at the same time. You have only heard about the market and brokers, but you have never seen them or even know what they mean.

So, do not strain your brain, have a rest.


Has this been offered to look at by dickheads?

There's nothing to see.

Profitability of 1.3 with a drawdown of over 90% is very cool.

You don't understand what I'm saying? The suggestion was to look for their description of the inner kitchen of getting quotes, how darkpools and banks work. I'm sorry you're having trouble interpreting what you read.
Might be interesting - about the electronics in the Su24
Do you not understand the meaning of what you have written? It was suggested that you look for his description of the inner workings of getting quotes, darkpools and banks. I'm sorry you have difficulty interpreting what you read.
I have difficulty reading and absorbing extraneous information, so I immediately looked up the result.