FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1905

Alexey Busygin:
Is that what hedging is? And what are the differences between hedging and boxers?
Hedging has nothing to do with brokers.
Say, they will offer you signals and tell you where to buy or sell. Who will be liable for losses?
Am I an underdeveloped trader following someone else's orders?
Hedging has nothing to do with brokers.
Yes, it does, without their permission. You can't even fart in the terminal.
Am I underdeveloped at someone else's behest to trade?

denniss2015.12.19 15:24 DE

I hope that doesn't mean I will predict and you will chop cabbage?

Sorry, I'm a Nestradamus, not a Predictor....

I wish it was.


What was that?

ите как фантастику или юAlexey Busygin:
Yes it does, without their permission. you can't even fart in the terminal.
So hedging depends on the broker and the terminal? Go write a book. Sell it later as fiction or humor.

denniss2015.12.19 15:24DE
I wish it was like this.


What was that?


The eternal choice is to give a net or give a fish. Feed once or teach to forage for themselves. Slothfulness of mind is the main vice of the apprentice, inflated self-esteem is the road to ruin. If you are not prepared - do not enter the market, you will become fodder, you will be ruled not by knowledge, but by fear and greed. The market is a dense forest, you don't want to be shown a rake, go for it yourself, I am powerless, because you can't teach something that cannot be taught, you can only whip a person to study, and as far as the market is concerned, this means losing deposits (not one).

The breakdown of the electric potential is grandiose, epic. It's like the "lousy Bolshevik Cossacks".

Well, it all makes sense now... Your level of development is so far from the statistical average, that you are unable to communicate in normal language with the squalid intellect of kids who want to learn something. And that's exactly what your teachings sound like to them, a "potential breakthrough"... don't you get the irony... Sorry, I overestimated your sense of humour...
You're a scary man, sir. You'll retract every word in the future.) Damn your friends. Good luck.
You're a scary man, sir. You'll retract every word in the future.) Damn your friends. Good luck.
There's no denying it, I'm just messing with your scary one.

Hedging depends on the broker and his terminal.

Too bad I don't know how to put smiley faces in.

Have you been drinking?

If you sold the pound and bought the euro, or you sold spring wheat and bought summer wheat, that's hedging. You have reduced your risk, but you have also cut your profits, so this is for the underdeveloped.