FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1866

МВФ признал долг Украины перед Россией в $3 млрд официальным
МВФ признал долг Украины перед Россией в $3 млрд официальным
  • 2015.12.17
На заседании совета директоров МВФ было принято решение о признании долга Украины перед РФ в размере трех млрд долларов официальным. Постановление вступило в силу после...
What's wrong?
Nothing, it just needs to be put in the quotebook! Thoughts of great traders
Alexey Busygin:
It's nothing, just needs to be put in the quotebook! Thoughts of great traders
So what is the stochastic showing wrong?
So what is the stochastic showing wrong?

All indicators show correctly, but the market/price has no idea that it should behave according to the indicator readings.

One indicator alone is not at all sufficient to predict the direction of a chart.


All indicators show correctly, but the market/price has no idea that it should behave according to the indicator readings.

One indicator alone is not at all sufficient to predict the direction of a chart.

What else do you need?
What else do you need?

The whole set of indicators that are here.

But even that won't be enough. You need to know a lot more.

Four months' experience is no experience at all. It's like taking a four-month surgical course. No one's gonna trust you to operate on their heart.


The whole set of indicators that are here.

But even that won't be enough. You need to know a lot more.

Four months' experience is no experience at all. It's like taking a four-month surgical course. No one's gonna trust you to operate on their heart.

What's there to know?
I can give 10 lessons for a fee on Skype
What else do you need?

Pick a trading strategy, there are many videos with strategies, find the right one, experiment, improve, combine, etc.

Интересное Финансовое Видео Ноябрь 2015
Интересное Финансовое Видео Ноябрь 2015
Видео по торговле и урокам трейдинга приветствуются. - - Категория: автоматические торговые системы
I can give 10 lessons for a fee on Skype
I can do 10 lessons for a fee on Skype too.