FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1831

Server Muradasilov:
There's no movement on the pound.
That's it, it's New Year's Eve, everyone's getting ready now.
Alexey Busygin:
That's it, it's New Year's Eve, everyone's getting ready now.
What the hell it is) For traders it starts at 7 a.m. on the 31st, before that the market works, does not work, and then you can get ready
Server Muradasilov:
What the heck is the nose) As for traders, it begins on the 31st at 7 a.m., and then the market works or does not work, and then you can get ready.

You should prepare for the New Year in advance, so that you do not fall on your face in the salad at the most important moment.

Alexey Busygin:

You have to prepare for the New Year in advance, so that you don't fall on your face in the salad at the most important moment.

What's there to prepare for, Alexei? Going shopping for 21 days? I understand if you're getting married, but that's .
Server Muradasilov:
That's what Alexei's getting ready for? go shopping for 21 days? I understand if you're getting married, but that's it.

That's not what I meant.

Server Muradasilov:
What's cooking there, Alexei? 21 days of shopping? I understand if you're getting married, but this way...

I have already made moonshine, infused it with bee pomor, cranberries and cloudberries.

We've got moose for the new year, and tomorrow we'll get some salmon from Pechora.

I have taken money from one of the accounts for New Year presents, so I am showing it bravely... do not jinx it.

Soon we'll put up the Christmas tree and be ready to meet Father Christmas.

Sergey Novokhatskiy:

I have already made moonshine, infused it with bee pomor, cranberries and cloudberries.

We've got moose for the new year, and tomorrow we'll get some salmon from Pechora.

I have taken money from one of the accounts for New Year presents, so I can show it bravely - do not jinx it.

Soon we will put up the Christmas tree and are ready to meet Father Christmas

I see. The man's got everything ready.. All that's left is a picture.
Sergey Novokhatskiy:

I have already made moonshine, infused it with bee pomor, cranberries and cloudberries.

We've got moose for the new year, and tomorrow we'll get some salmon from Pechora.

I have taken money from one of the accounts for the New Year presents, so I can show it bravely - do not jinx it.

Soon we will put up the Christmas tree and are ready to meet Father Christmas

Poor bourgeois poor souls are already tired to write articles about how poor Russians suffer from sanctions and cannot afford to be poisoned by toxic chemicals after eating Polish apples. They cannot wait for a hungry Russian man to go to the Maidan to smash the Kremlin, demanding parmesan and entertainment.

And Vaska listens but eats it © Grandpa Krylov


Guys, one more piece of good advice for the future:

In the first quarter of 2016 on oil stocks (I chose Lukoil) get into shorts at the very tops...

Interesting info:

So there's still more to come...

Profits to all.

