FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1596

Alexey Busygin:
Here we go, the eurull is going down again :)
Yeah, well, my advisor salted it. Where does it go now?
Yury Reshetov:
Well, yeah. My advisor salted it. What's she gonna do now?
How badly was it salted?
ambassador spicy...
ambassador spicy...
I wonder if the stand is now in sales or purchases
Alexey Busygin:
I wonder if the booth is in sales or in purchases now.
Waiting )))) he told me until tuesday no.
Yury Reshetov:

The docent will force © Vasily Alibabayevich

With the docent...
You'd better be careful)))
Adrenaline junkie -

Calls for a flush!)))

With a docent...
You'd better be careful)))
Adrenaline junkie -

Calling for a flush!))

Where'd you dig up this dirt on the professor?
Server Muradasilov:
Waiting for )))), he told me until tuesday, not a word.
I think he's lying! He's probably pouring somewhere.
Alexey Busygin:
I think he's lying! He's probably pouring it in secret somewhere.

I showed you woodpeckers all the ins and outs, but you are woodpeckers, that's the diagnosis.

Sorcerer, you show them the grail here, they'll look and try to think, but they won't do anything.


I showed you woodpeckers all the ins and outs, but you are woodpeckers, that's the diagnosis.

Sorcerer, you show them the grail here, they'll look and try to think, but they won't do anything.

What do we need inputs for, we want to know how long you are with us!