FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1272



If there's a knock-knock in your head,

It's got nothing to do with woodpeckers knocking. )))



optimist :) maybe both moose :))))))))))))))

all due respect :)))

If they are, they never confess, so as not to spoil their reputations. But when something goes wrong, they disappear for an indefinite period of time.
Alexey Busygin:
They do not even tell the truth so as not to spoil their reputation. But when something goes wrong, they disappear for an indefinite period of time.

As Nostradamus wrote, "the stranger is a dark one". :))


Strange was buying the Euro at 1.12 and wrote about it, but he did not describe what he did with this purchase :) is it still there ?


As Nostradamus wrote, "the stranger is a dark one". :))


Strange was buying the Euro at 1.12 and wrote about it, but he did not describe what he did with this purchase :) is it still there ?

Doesn't want to upset the kids!

I shouldn't have taken the pound :( Strange was right.

but come on :) I also salted it a little bit ....


so the colporteurs didn't split this morning for the pound, where will it go from the current

Pound seems to have picked its own direction.

Now TR 5084 fixing.


so the colporteurs didn't split this morning for the pound, where will it go from the current

Pound seems to have picked its own direction.

now TR 5084 fixing.

On the pound:

1.514 - first level of daily support

1.5074 - second level of daily support

But there is also the "trampled" 1.5108 between the first and second levels. This is most likely where it will stop/unfold.

The Bollinger lower boundary (1.5095) on the weekly chart passes here as well.


On the pound:

1.514 - first level of daily support

1.5074 - second level of daily support

But there is also the "trampled" 1.5108 mark between the first and the second levels. This is most likely where it will stop/unfold.

The Bollinger lower boundary (1.5095) on the weekly chart passes here as well.

Strange put it all out there, thank you... The close was shown when, 15078, so no need to guess) if it will go lower to the low, if not, it means no... He wrote some explanations to his information, I couldn't stand it, so I wrote it anyway... could not read your reasoning in silence anymore))