FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1232

Server Muradasilov:
Which is actually 20 trillion nothing for America.
I posted everything there is a piece of it)
they won't understand =) i gave them a month =) and if you add a quarter and something else =) then ... well, I don't know where we're going=) well, definitely to the right -)))
Last week on SOT, hedgers were selling the dollar and buying the euro and pound. Silver and gold were selling considerably less.
Last week on SOT, hedgers were selling the dollar and buying the euro and pound. Silver and gold were selling considerably less.
all one, to one
Roman Busarov:


for eura lovers

of course the extra filters have been removed

In general, there are no good trades right now, the euro was at the end of last week, the audi, it was not too late to take it yesterday as well. That's all. The rest is running around the field with bare feet.

The Audi on the December options contract, which will be traded from next week, has been thrown up another hundred and fifty on 77+.

The buyer on both contracts is the same.

Yes, yes, we know him...
In general, there are no good deals right now, the euro was at the end of last week, the audi, it was not too late to take it yesterday as well. That's all. The rest is running around the field with bare feet.

kiwi ?


Audi on the December options contract, which will be traded from next week, has been thrown another hundred and fifty at 77+

So they're waiting above 77+.

Can you justify why you're sure they won't go under the beard?