FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 700

Vladimir Zubov:
You don't have to change anything, it doesn't make sense anyway.
If an instrument was written, it makes sense, or does make sense to whoever it was written by or for... And if someone from the outside doesn't understand the meaning of the instrument, it doesn't mean there is no meaning...

have you sorted out the strategy?

Unfortunately ...I just already have a value for me at the moment in my work ...What you have prescribed still needs to be written to me and checked at least by the end of the year .
How can that be?
KROSH has already tweaked the turkey. Take it before they erased it and took it to the market. The main thing is that it's free)))). In the external parameters, put "true".
I gather no one will answer for the Audi again...
i take it that no one will answer for audi again...


they are trading the pound and possibly yoro...

No GDP on the euro? Taken away the momentum.....
I gather no one will answer for the Audi again...
There's no answer. The order is out. Limit triggered, on the downside. Above 0.7 in the opinion of one Australian diva buy will not be popular. So far, one buy is mid-term and the limit is 685.
What's there to answer. The order came out. Limit triggered, on the downside. Above 0.7 according to one Australian diva buy will not be popular. While one buy medium-term and limit 685.
It is possible to sell it for Audi, but there is no horizon to set a stop loss.
No GDP on the euro? Taken away the momentum.....
There will be a move for you)))15.30msk perols...
You'll get a move on))) 15.30msk perols...