FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 674


and the harrier didn't take the target on the fly, I'll set a limit:

I can imagine what kind of hang-ups there are on fly-outs and trends.
I can imagine what kind of hang-ups they get on departures and trends.
How about a drink, no speculation?
How about a drink, no speculation?
What speculation is there, it's going to be so bad that there won't even be a depot left with those lots.
How about a drink, no speculation?

Why don't we talk...

I got a craving for Dublin...

Знаменитый ирландский виски
Знаменитый ирландский виски
Многие из нас любят этот напиток, еще больше людей наслышаны и заранее уважают виски из Ирландии. Сегодня я расскажу о том, откуда ирландский виски пошел, какой бывает и насколько любят его на планете Земля! Первый ирландский виски Еще в V веке святой Патрик принес на землю ирландскую… вы уже улыбаетесь, да? Это одна из легенд происхождения...
What kind of speculation is there, it's going to hit so hard that there won't even be a depo left with those lots.

again with the empty bazaar...

How about an anecdote then?


Why don't we talk...

Your favourite is 900 (on New Year's Eve), then 1600..., speculators...


your favourite is 900 (on New Year's Eve), then 1600... speculators...

He's just drunk, so now tell him to learn).

And the harrier is not so chipper and fast anymore(


He's just had a drink, so now tell him to learn)

And the harrier isn't so chipper and fast anymore.

i don't care, limit bought, waiting for a profit on the news...


I don't care, limit bought, waiting for profits on the news...


When you pee anywhere and everywhere you know what happens?) If not, ask Sensei)

waiting... I've got the pound at 5410 from 5329...