FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 555

If the tester was working properly, it would be possible to check both, so here it's just a matter of eyeballing and watching.
If we're talking about channels, there's a wider one, in which a reduction is possible. But what does this have to do with the DeMarker? As a confirmation of entry?
Speaking of channels - there is a wider one in which a reduction is possible. But what does the DeMarker have to do with it? As a confirmation of entry?
I've been trying to prove that the DeMarker is the only way to enter the market, but I don't know what to do with it.
I started the topic about no one living. with the right approach, you can suck profits out of your fingers, and I also wrote what not to believe, so as not to lose a profitable strategy.
well who doesn't live... different individuals here ;)
Who doesn't live... different individuals here ;))
There is so much rubbish on the web and in "smart" TA books))))
There is so much rubbish on the web and in "smart" books on "TA"))))
i have not conducted a comparative analysis, but i would guess that the futures and options have at least as much if not more ))))

Now ask yourself which one is "smarter"?
There is so much rubbish on the web and in "smart" books on TA.)
Too bad the speculator's not here, he's a big expert on TA.
I have not done a comparative analysis, but I would guess that for futures and options, if not more, then at least not less )))

Now ask yourself - which one is "smarter"?

A bit of a surprise to you - almost nothing.

That's why I created this thread.

And that is why I have and will continue to suppress "theoretical research" on the subject of who is who and why. As well as posts off-topic, about sticks, whining, gimme, etc.

Be warned, lest there be an "I didn't know" later.

Поэтому и решил попробовать разобраться сам, ключевое слово попробовать. - - Категория: общее обсуждение
I'll surprise you a little - almost nothing.
Anything is possible. Once again, I have not done any analysis)) If you think about it, TA is more mass-produced bullshit.) That's why it's bigger.

A bit of a surprise to you - almost nothing.

That's why I created this thread.

And that is why I have and will continue to suppress "theoretical research" on the subject of who is who and why. As well as posts off-topic, about sticks, whining, gimme, etc.

Be warned, lest there be an "I didn't know" afterwards.

Do you have the right to "nip it in the bud"? ))) or do you like to whine to moderators?
Anything's possible. Once again, I haven't done any analysis.) If you think about it, TA is more mass-produced bullshit.) That's why there's more.

So they feed it to you and you eat it, what else is needed?)