FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 420


If CME adds up all the options and futures volumes, we get about 100 billion a day in currencies. Calculated contracts (from CME reports)*per lot (how many units in it). It is not much.

Forex volumes are in the trillions per day.

Hotspot recorded an average daily volume (ADV) of $25.7B in June 2015,

From what's below in this file - HotSpot is about 10% of the entire market

12-Month Moving Average (in $Billions): 12 Months Ending June 2015 % Change from Prior 12 Months Hotspot $29.9 +3.3% EBS $105.2 +32.2% Reuters/FXall $119.0 +3.1% Overall Market*

so the daily turnover of the entire market is 250 yards a day

- this is what goes through the major exchanges

there is also a direct interbank - but I think it's not so big

maybe trillions is a fairy tale

You ever hear of a rendering lag? No?

oooh, here come the excuses)))

screwed up?

Okay. Okay, so what?

Vladimir Zubov:
hang the signal in profile, let's have a look)
Old Man hangs his laundry on a rope in the vegetable garden between the beds.
Nikolai Romanovskyi:
Master, reveal the mystery to the world!!! Put us on the path of enlightenment
Let's do it. The study is all there is to it
At least it's more fun, the reincarnation of Birdman.

OK, here are the real sticks...

At least it's more fun, the reincarnation of the birdman.
i don't know what kind of woodpecker carnal you are - i don't know any ))
Have you heard about the rendering lag?
I saw it in the tester's visualiser, so that's it ...))

OK, here are the real sticks...

the real stick is my Ivan. I offered the old one - he said no.

Bravo !!!!!!!!!!!

I haven't laughed like that in a long time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Genius !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!