FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 406

what's the riddle there? someone got pinched on the hajis or the lojis. it's going to be a long and painful encounter with kolyan.... there will be volumes and so on and so forth.
So what to do now? What should we do now?

You're already talking like him...

I'm embarrassed to ask you, what about the 32 lunar purchases, do you have until August 20th too? You got it?

Don't worry about me, I don't care about the splash, just wash my winnings off.
B.u. yes... questionable thing. Antiscient, I would say. But these July highs - they're a pain in the ass. Let's hope the pound breaks through them soon.

Friday expiry on options, but what don't the Mighty members understand, the situation does not change, support is 5550 and the hai is 58)

So what do we do now? Fix the bai and salt it?
What? Is that all this circus was about? then it's not a mountain, it's a board.
Is that all this circus was about?
Do I know? What's Pips saying about a trend that isn't trending?
Do I know? What's Pips saying about a trend that isn't trending?
Well, you listen to it. I'll follow the baby.
Well, you promised 1.3260)))

Я? Promised? To whom? When? I don't remember.

That limiters I have there, so it is yes, because for sales I am satisfied with just the price 3240-60 for today. This is to say, that you should not get into the market whenever and wherever.


Okay, time's up, I'm out of here.

Rena, don't be sad. Money should be easy to part with. It's not happiness, is it?



Я? Promised? To whom? When? I don't remember.

That limiters I have there, so it is yes, because for sales I am satisfied with just the price 3240-60 for today. This is to say, that you should not get into the market whenever and wherever.

So, tomorrow it may be 1.3100?)))
Don't worry about me, I don't care about this flop, wash my winnings for now.

Your trouble is that you are playing, not working. If mt is enough to trade, then what is there to talk about.

Your and Guru's remarks yesterday about photoshop, plums. You do not even believe that it is possible to make money at all, so everything is clear with your "trade", Lizyukova street sweep)))