Market theory - page 214

If you increase leverage, the risk of losing money increases proportionally. They warn about this, in small print, when trying to increase leverage. Apparently, for good reason.

In short, there is a deposit on entry and a deposit gain on exit, and there is nothing in the middle. The leverage has nothing to do with profitability at all

Finally! You are amazingly quick thinking! Leverage has to do with TS and MM, but not with deposit growth.

Soros is a sucker, Buffett is a sucker, etc.

I disagree with this thesis - Buffett (his last name is spelled with two 't's) is certainly one of the world's greatest investors.

And Buffet with his 0.5% yield manages billions of other people's money just because his investors are very dumb and can't find "geniuses" with PAMM accounts in kitchens, who make thousands of percent a year.

Yusuf claimed that his bot doubles the deposit in 2 weeks, i.e. about 45% growth of the deposit per week, I just advised to concentrate on stability.
Finally! You are amazingly quick thinking! Leverage has to do with TS and MM, but not with deposit growth. I disagree - Buffett (his last name is spelled with two 't's) is certainly one of the greatest investors in the world.Yusuf claimed that his bot doubles the deposit in 2 weeks, i.e. about 45% growth of the deposit per week, I just advised to concentrate on stability.
There was one here - 10% a day - essentially the same thing. Where is he? Gone, Vasili...
Finally! You are amazingly quick thinking! Leverage has to do with TS and MM, but not deposit growth. I don't agree with that - Buffett (his last name is spelled with two 't's) is definitely one of the greatest investors in the world.Yusuf claimed that his bot doubles the deposit in 2 weeks, i.e. about 45% increase in deposit per week, I just advised to concentrate on stability.

There are a few questions:

1. By applying the same TS and changing the lot size with leverage do you change the profitability of the trades?

2. How can Buffett NOT be a sucker if he wouldn't even be in the top 10 of any pammer ranking in any kitchen?


There are a few questions:

1. By applying the same TS and changing the lot size with leverage do you change the profitability of the trades?

2. How can Buffett NOT be a sucker if his returns would not even rank in the top ten of any pammers ranking in any kitchen?

The questions came up... patient is on the mend.

1. In order for the deposit to grow by 0.5% how many pips does he need to "take" for the same lot and you? Your deposit is $1,000. His respectively 100,000.

2. Where does Warren live?
Questions have arisen... the patient is on the mend.

1. For a deposit to grow by 0.5% how many pips does he need to "take" with the same lot and you? Your deposit is $1,000. His respectively 100,000.

2. Where does Warren live?

Well, let's play with bibiziana:

1. why open the same size lots with different capital?

2. in the US.


Well, let's play with bibiziana:

1. why open the same size lots with different capital?

2. in the US

I'm the only teacher among us, so you know who's going to answer the questions. So you know who will answer the questions. Or has evolution had no effect on you?

Believe me, it's for your own good! Or else you'll spend the rest of your life jumping for a banana with a stick.

Well, let's play with bibiziana:

1. why open the same size lots with different capital?

2. in the US

Let's continue learning:

1. Think again...

2. what does this imply?
If you don't start thinking and figuring things out, you'll end up like the bibizian!
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
If you increase leverage, the risk of losing money increases proportionally. They warn about this, in small print, when trying to increase leverage. Apparently, there's a reason for that.
Yusuf, colleague, you too? Come on, these losers! You must understand how leverage works, right? Without understanding, there's no point in making theories!!!