Market theory - page 219

Vasiliy Sokolov:

The market is not physics and physics is not the market.

See the picture above. Any more questions?
If it is a silly picture, the claim is to the meta-quotes, such pictures are created in a detailed report.
They probably have it as text in their report, they are not stupid. And you - without specifying real or demo, rubles or dollars, etc., etc. - It's silly.

To me, all these theories, incomprehensibly created, seem like air locks. I usually dig through the data in the hope of finding something. And then I study the empirical material. What Yusuf is doing here is clearly some kind of philosopher's stone search.

These are two completely equal approaches to doing science. In the Soviet Union was more common at the level of non-theorists, of course, your approach: shovel data, do experiments, and from them to suck a hypothesis. In the West, the reverse process is more common: first a hypothesis is stated, then an experiment is planned to confirm or disprove it.
Mikhael Isakov:
They probably have it as text in their report, they are not stupid. But you - without specifying real or demo, rubles or dollars, etc. etc. - It's silly.
You have never produced a report of the results of trading in the terminal? In general, the results of trading are estimated by such parameters as profit factor, recovery factor, expected payoff, maximal drawdown and so on. But you are always interested in comparison: cents, rubles, dollars. You're not trying to measure your pecks).
Vasiliy Sokolov:
Please don't pull a Gaussian on the market. The market does not have a normal distribution, although it is similar. The example does not count. The exact match requirement is not met.
No, it doesn't. You could de consider multigaussian curves. Insert five, ten, twenty, Gaussians into it. And, you see, as the Gaussian modes grow, it will be possible to approximate VERY accurately. The only question is why? It wouldn't make much sense physically. But Gaussian (multigauss) is more than appropriate here.
Have you never once withdrawn a trading result report from the terminal?
I prefer to withdraw money.
Mikhael Isakov:
I prefer to withdraw the money.
One does not interfere with the other).
Mikhael Isakov:
I prefer to withdraw my money.

Misha, less of a whammy. Your little signal, so far, is nothing. You do realise that 80 trades is on the brink of statistical error. One week of monitoring, that's nothing squared. And an initial deposit is like going to the market to buy sunflower seeds. Do you really think you'll last more than a month on five thousand rubles? With the kind of risk you're taking, it's just a game of eagle at school, not a physics model.

Don't bring multigasina into this. It's got nothing to do with it. It's the market.

Vasiliy Sokolov:

Misha, less of a whammy. Your little signal, so far, is nothing. You do realise that 80 trades is on the brink of statistical error.

Totally agree. However, if the rate of growth continues, you could see 5 million in two months. And in another month, 100 million. I won't go on and on, I'm not going to stretch my imagination. The function is indicative, the growth rate is clear to everyone. After I reach 5 million (1000 times of the initial deposited amount) my signal will disappear. I don't want to make the public go crazy :-)
Mikhael Isakov:
These are two completely equal approaches to doing science. In the USSR, your approach was more common at the non-theoretical level, of course: digging through data, making experiments, and sucking a hypothesis out of them. In the West, the reverse process is more common: first a hypothesis is stated, then an experiment is planned to confirm or disprove it.

In general, I agree!

I am a deita miner, but not a scientist, and I don't have a background in physics. But I am developing in the process of acquiring knowledge and practice.

As for hypothesising, I'm sure you have to have a good expert knowledge of the subject and intuition for that. Well, of course, 90% of mcl users will consider themselves experts and start testing hypotheses that are essentially speculation.

There you go ) Thanks ).