Market theory - page 142


Status at the opening session on Tuesday, 23 06 15g, Bears preparing to hit the Bulls, SELL:



Alexander Laur:

You don't need any indicator to make such a prediction when you see that the Euro is already down 122.9 points. A spoonful to the dinner table. :)

If you had made such a prediction at the opening of the day.

So, why is the eu in the bai on the signals?
Alexander Laur:
Alexander Laur:
You ask him, not me. His prediction at the beginning of this page is Sell !
He wrote that he switched all his signals to a new system, he must have forgotten))
Alexander Laur:

You don't need any indicator to make such a prediction when you see that the Euro is already down 122.9 points. A spoon to the dinner. :)

Here if you would make such a prediction on the opening of the day.

The white vertical line on the chart is Yusuf Sell

Yes, we should have made it in time, but the fact is that we could have known by the opening of the session. This prediction is based on the opening of the day. Just, came back from work and scrolled through. It should have been done as early as the night before. When the indicator will be there, we will see it all at once. And now, you have to work hard on the exel and sometimes, you don't want to do it in time.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
Yes, we should have put it out on time, but, the fact remains that, we could have known by the time the session opened. This prediction is based on the opening data of the day.
Very strong lag, why are the signals still buy?
Oleg Tsarkov:
very long lag, why are the signals still buy?
I can't keep up. Have to wait for the indicator.

Miracles! As of 2pm MSC, Bears have changed their mind to hit the Bulls, the Lion has raised its head, Bears are back to square one, market remains bullish! Now, in theory, the price should go up:

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Miracles! As of 14:00 MSK, the Bears have changed their mind to hit the Bulls, the market remains bullish! Now, the price should go to the upside:

With this kind of turn, you need not only an indicator, but also an advisor))
Oleg Tsarkov:
With all these twists and turns, you need not only an indicator but also an advisor.)
That's right. They will be done in parallel, all holding up the output of the article.